Duke Nukem Not Forever, DS Version Lives

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.05.2009 13

Duke Nukem Not Forever, DS Version Lives on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Duke Nukem is dead. On home consoles that is. However, according to Deep Silver, the portable versions are still coming.

The alien-blasting, stripper-saving chap was due to make a huge comeback in the long running 3D Realms project, Duke Nukem Forever, but after much speculation and bits and pieces over 12 years the studio has unfortunately shut down this week due to lack of funds.

This hasn't affected development of the handheld Duke trilogy, due to be released in episodes on both Nintendo DS and Sony PSP.

Deep Silver and Apogee Software are not affected by the situation at 3D Realms. Development on the Duke Nukem Trilogy is continuing as planned.

Take 2 still hold publishing rights to the console game, so he may just live Forever.

Thanks to QJ.

Box art for Duke Nukem: Critical Mass



Deep Silver


First Person Shooter



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Duke Nukem Forever is still coming out. Seriously guys. It is. Fuck year.

It's a shame it had to end like this though... it was the best vapourware in the whole universe. They shoulda kept it going a bit longer. Smilie

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SuperLink said:
Duke Nukem Forever is still coming out. Seriously guys. It is. Fuck year.

It's a shame it had to end like this though... it was the best vapourware in the whole universe. They shoulda kept it going a bit longer. Smilie

I agree. Duke Nukem was an awsome game and I might consider getting this for DS.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999


Duke Nukem is my main hero.

Bring me another sex induced, oneliner stuffed, gore out blaster featuring the duke and I'll buy it.

Because, you know, he's my example and all.

Looks like the DS/PSP one will be bringing in classic Duke elements as well as the 3D, which I crave so badly. The original Duke Nukem 2 was sooo good! Awesome side-scrolling <3

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Duke Nukem's not forever, because it took forever so now it's gone forever.

I've been waiting for DNF forever! This is the most anti-climatic news ever. Its a sad day for gaming...Smilie

Angus said:
I've been waiting for DNF forever! This is the most anti-climatic news ever. Its a sad day for gaming...Smilie

I've been waiting or it not to actually buy it, but because it was so infamous, you just couldn't wait until you heard more about it, and the day it was released would have been one to remember...

Not much of a Duke Nukem fan myself, but I did play a couple of MS-DOS games.

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Blow it out ya ass

This is terrible news.

The studio just wasted money for a decade.
Good riddence.

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PMD said:

Smilie nice find! Where\'d ya find it?

( Edited 07.05.2009 20:47 by SuperLink )

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I felt a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of DNF reservation holders suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced.

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