EA LA Seeking Talent for New FPS

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.05.2009 6

EA LA Seeking Talent for New FPS on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA's LA studio, of Medal of Honor fame, is seeking out fresh meat for a brand new shooter that's in its early stages.

In late 2007 the team had begun work on Tiberium, however this was cancelled less than a year later due to quality control and not meeting "high quality standards" set by EA Games. However it looks like EALA is back on track, given a posting for an art director to, well, lead the art direction for a "brand new first-person shooter project in the very beginning stages of development."

There's no indication of what the project will be, nor what platforms it'll venture onto as of yet.

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quality control and not meeting "high quality standards" set by EA Games.

I wish they could look at themselves sometimes Smilie

Play Dead Space and read your comment again.

EA have actually had good quality games coming out lately, maybe not all the time, but it's better than it was last gen.

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Stulaw said:
EA have actually had good quality games coming out lately, maybe not all the time, but it's better than it was last gen.

Yeh, alot of good games, but not necesarily on the Wii, they Engulf Anything (EA). I admit they have had alot of good titles, but still, how can they have high quality standards if they shovel the shit onto wii?
They are better than UBI though! I just want a timesplitters and I will be happy. *Imagines it running on cryengine*

Yeah EA are different from last gen. It's like they're learning from all their mistakes. Improving current IP's - FIFA, Burnout, Need For Speed: Shift

Pushing new IP's - Mirror's Edge, Dead Space, Skate, Boom Blox

And building foundations with their EA Partnerw project - New game partnered with EPIC, Shinji Mikami and Suda 51.

EA are last gens Activision.
Activision are last gens EA
and Ubi...well they're Ubi.

When have these types of announcements/job postings ever been for a Wii game?

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