Red Steel 2 - Debut Wii Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.05.2009 52

Red Steel 2 - Debut Wii Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A Trailer demonstrating how MotionPlus enhances sword and gun play in Ubisoft's Red Steel 2 has emerged.

We have our protagonist going head to head with a masked foe using his sword to defend, deal some damage and finally whip out a piece to unload the final blow. The game's been designed to utilise Nintendo's add-on for near 1:1 mapping, including the smallest arm gestures when waving your sword about.

Be sure to view the HD version for a clearer picture. Thanks to NeoGAF.

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (184 Votes)

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idk why theydidt just give it a new name Smilie

look nothing like Red Steel Smilie not that tha a bad thing

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

"For internal use only!!" You broke the law!


( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

1:1 Is looking good. Should of been like that in the first place though!

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

looks interesting, but I don't like these wii commercials with the idiots doing all these over the top gestures and such. At least it's not as bad as the MP3 trailer with the guy rolling up into a ball when Samus goes into her morphball mode. Maybe now the arm flailing will actually mean somethingSmilie

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

Wow, very nice trailer. I'm certainly interested now. Can't wait to see more. Visually I love it.

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

Looks amazing. Completely frog jumps the conduit.

people should really avoid the whole aliens attacking earth script for fps. Plus they were thinking of using motion plus they should have stuck with it and tried to add some original elements.
No one plays with the idea of alien meellee combat weapons

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

Don't trust it. The first game released fake stuff that made it look good and it looks like they are doing it again.

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

360 Gamertag: shiptoncraig
PSN: shiptoncraig
Steam: Guess what?

Now I have calmed I have a few reservations.

1: the game looks too polished for the wii. Graphical style aside. Looks too crisp too 'HD' at times.

2:Is this a genuine FPS as such you control the characters movement all the time.
I only care about the latter point really. Although you have to wonder why they trailer games not using the actual graphics engine. Very misleading if true

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

will see.

( Edited 06.08.2013 08:17 by Guest )

As a standalone trailer, it looks very impressive in style and how the sword/gun mechanic works - but having seen how the Red Steel trailers were quite a lot different to the end product, it leaves me doubting a little bit.

Still, seems very promising - can't wait to see a flowing level to see how it's all pulled off.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Im not worried about the mechanics. They have already canned a sequel so it shows they what the credibility of this series to grow. COD and Metroid showed how to work the shooting mechanics properly.

granted motionplus is new water but it cant be as bad as the first.

I really think it was the case of trying to get water from a stone. A collaboration between ubisoft and nintendo to entice the hardcore with something both partly knew was impossible at the time.

What a weird year. Im not really looking forward to any games from nintendo this year. I think thats what they wanted. Perhaps they really do want thirdparties to step it up

( Edited 05.05.2009 10:00 by meeto_0 )

Wow that really was impressive and the visuals... :O, no wonder the developers took what 2 and half years? to build this game, looks amazing. Will definatley pick this one up. I played Red Steel around my mates the first time and the controls just did not do it for me, I hope they improve it cause I really want a FPS on the Wii, either this on Cantdoit. Smilie

IF they can pull this graphics up on Wii, then I am impressed. I liked the first Red Steel and am hooked by a new one.

this one has a lot of atmposphere and above all style! It's really great with the setting, the movements and the sound. I would certainly be grateful for a Red Steel game with a background like this. Think about it: A bit like Trigun but with big cities and swords... Great!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

That was the worst CGI I've ever seen. It makes FFVII's FMV look recent!

If the game actually works anything like that it could be good. Why does it say "destination PlayStation" at the start? Losing exclusitivity to PS3!? There's a first for everything I guess. Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SuperLink said:
That was the worst CGI I've ever seen. It makes FFVII's FMV look recent!

If the game actually works anything like that it could be good. Why does it say "destination PlayStation" at the start? Losing exclusitivity to PS3!? There's a first for everything I guess. Smilie

Yeah I can clearly see this coming on the PS3... /sarcasm.

I'm sure the tech works but when you just see a dude acting like he's playing the game - and having to over act it to make it look good you just can't tell.

The guy in the video has probably never played Red Steel 2 ever. They're just cutting his actions with FMV game "footage". So I doubt it's an accurate representation of Motion Plus at all.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

the sword play looks much better thanks wii motion plus

That looks really good.

I feel like they should have named it something different than Red Steel. Many people have bad impressions of the first game and this game is entirely different (graphical style, storyline, controls, etc.)

Its agreed that this is a rendered trailer. But the style will look good on the wii regardless.

From what ea has demoed on grand slam tennis. the guys movements could easily translate on screen. The gyroscope is very precise.

A minute into the trailer the onscreen sword is making small twisted movements whether the guys is controlling this is one thing but its definately plausible.

Just check EAs disc golf trailer and moores Tennis demo

meeto_0 said:
Looks amazing. Completely frog jumps the conduit.

people should really avoid the whole aliens attacking earth script for fps. Plus they were thinking of using motion plus they should have stuck with it and tried to add some original elements.
No one plays with the idea of alien meellee combat weapons

Crysis was terribly generic still a great achievement, a new barrier brought down for devs to chew on, and that is what the Conduit is for the Wii.

This looks awesome, It's basically sharp as the conduit but Cell shaded. Let's hope for E3 hands on!

SuperLink said:
That was the worst CGI I've ever seen. It makes FFVII's FMV look recent!

If the game actually works anything like that it could be good. Why does it say "destination PlayStation" at the start? Losing exclusitivity to PS3!? There's a first for everything I guess. Smilie

Nah, relax, it doesn't seem that way: Dtoid check out Rafael's 2nd comment.

The graphics look as good as the New PoP Smilie Defo polished
Holiday 09? Is that summer? thanks giving? Xmas?

( Edited 05.05.2009 16:25 by Echoes221 )

If the actual gameplay is like the trailer, consider me a happy man. Wish I could see just the gameplay without the guy though.

I'm gonna say now that those definitely aren't ingame.

Holiday usually means Winter.

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