VC: Mario Kart and Pilotwings Rated

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.05.2009 12

VC: Mario Kart and Pilotwings Rated on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The Australian ratings board OFLC has updated their database with the inclusion of SNES classics, Super Mario Kart and Pilotwings.

We've already had, and played to death, Mario Kart 64 on the virtual service but have yet to sample a slice of where Nintendo's franchise begun. With the game =Nintendo)]now listed and rated, Super Mario Kart will at least be coming out in PAL regions and more than likely in Japan/North America as well. In addition to the retro racer, the long overdue SNES flight-simulator Pilotwings has also received a rating to be included in the catalogue.

On a side note two new DSiWare Art Style games have been included - PiCOpiCT and SOMNIUM, as well as WiiWare entry PictureBook: A Pop-Up Adventure.

Thanks to Nintendo Life.

Box art for Super Mario Kart








C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (15 Votes)

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The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Both would be an instant buy for me.

However the Wii Points going up in price is going to make me a lot more strict on what I buy. Your loss Nintendo.

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SuperLink said:

However the Wii Points going up in price is going to make me a lot more strict on what I buy. Your loss Nintendo.

Wii Points are going up in price? I don\'t think that is true.
Where did you hear that?

( Edited 05.05.2009 02:22 by Sonic_13 )

Hell yeah! It\'s about time! Hopefully they\'ll be released here in the States soon after. Both titles are long overdue (among countless others lol).

I\'m still waiting for Majora\'s Mask to be released on VC here in the U.S. Come on Ninty. Step it up!

I haven\'t heard anything about Wii points increasing value, either. I know retail games are going up a bit in Europe in an attempt to offset the economic problems and currency rates, but that\'s it.

( Edited 05.05.2009 03:20 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Sonic_13 & MechaG2, take a peek at my blog for a little more info on the price increase.
Though to be fair, as long as buyers are careful, it's not too bad; some places still have Wii-only £15 points cards on clearance sale, and it is (strangely) still £7 to a 1000 points online.

I didn't hear that, I've seen it first hand.

2000 Card is now £20 as opposed to £15. Phoenixus speaks the truth Smilie

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Phoenixus said:
Sonic_13 & MechaG2, take a peek at my blog for a little more info on the price increase.
Though to be fair, as long as buyers are careful, it's not too bad; some places still have Wii-only £15 points cards on clearance sale, and it is (strangely) still £7 to a 1000 points online.

Yes, but has Nintendo actually increased the price? Is it still a $1 = 100 Wii Points (or the European equivalent) if you buy points within the Wii Shop Channel? If so, then the price of points has not truly increased - retailers are just ripping you off, so you should either shop around carefully or just buy your points via your Wii.

I doubt it's the retailers. If it was then every retailer in the country suspiciously raised prices at the same time as soon as the Nintendo Points Cards were released.

I doubt it's coincidence, the RRP has gone up.

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Pilotwings and Super Mario Kart were both running with a DSP chip inside to aid processing Mode 7 graphics. Maybe Nintendo had difficulties making it run as good as possible ? I don't know why the long wait considering that homebrew SNES emulation on Wii has long since been there already and is now running nearly every single SNES game smoothly.

Anyway, i've still got both games as original cartridges, so i'm not going to spend on those.

I'd like to see a new Pilotwings game coming out though. And the N64 one was great as well !

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'll get Super Mario Kart as that and the GBA games are the only ones I've never played. I didn't really like the N64 game but the Snes game looks more fun. weird i had a strange dream about Super Mario Kart last night and then this happens! how bizzare!

Great news, both have been on my most wanted list since the release of the Wii!

Phoenixus said:
Sonic_13 & MechaG2, take a peek at my blog for a little more info on the price increase.
Though to be fair, as long as buyers are careful, it\'s not too bad; some places still have Wii-only £15 points cards on clearance sale, and it is (strangely) still £7 to a 1000 points online.
Holy sh*t! You gotta be kidding me! I hope they don\'t pull that crap here in the States. :-x As it\'s been so far, Wii Points have been a 1:1 ratio in the U.S. In other words, one Wii Point=One cent.

Your \"plausible-Nintendo-of-Europe-Board-Meeting\" scenario is an epic win! Smilie Smilie

( Edited 05.05.2009 23:18 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

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