Dead Space: Extraction - New Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 27.04.2009 6

Dead Space: Extraction - New Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA showed off new screens over the weekend from the upcoming Wii prequel to Dead Space, Extraction.

Extraction boasts similar gameplay designs/visual styles to the original outing, with revised mechanics geared towards gestures and pointing the Wii remote around. The game's due out later this year.

Be sure to pop into the Dead Space: Extraction album below for more screens that are... out of this world.

Image for Dead Space: Extraction - New Screens
Image for Dead Space: Extraction - New Screens
Image for Dead Space: Extraction - New Screens
Image for Dead Space: Extraction - New Screens
Image for Dead Space: Extraction - New Screens

Box art for Dead Space: Extraction








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i dont know. I seem to have a few light gun games for the wii and I'll get this at some point. I kind like them on it.

Wow, those screens aren't too looks much better in motion...

Mason said:
Wow, those screens aren't too looks much better in motion...

It looks better in other screenshots. Something is definitely wrong with those. They're grainy and very low quality.

They should not have released these as they don't represent the quality of the actual graphics and only give critics and cynics reason to criticize and bash the game.

Sonic_13 said:
They should not have released these as they don't represent the quality of the actual graphics and only give critics and cynics reason to criticize and bash the game.

SmilieIt being an on-rails title is a good enough reason to for many to bash itSmilie

I am loving all of this light gun attention we wii (heh heh) owners are getting but seriously now, innovation please.

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