Little King's Story = 5000 Stars

By Shane Jury 24.04.2009 6

Little King

Recent additions to the EU Nintendo Stars Catalogue now include a chance to pick up Cing and Town Factory's well-received Life Sim, Little King's Story.

Little King's Story, of which was released today, is up for 5000 stars, whilst stocks last. Considering that just down the page Animal Crossing Wall Tattoos are 1.5 times more, it's a ruddy good deal.

Image for Little King

Another title up for grabs is GBA title Mario vs Donkey Kong, a modern-day reconstruction of Game Boy game Donkey Kong '94. Also for 5000 stars;

Image for Little King

If these don't grab your attention, why not try pasting Mario's big nose in the sky this summer. For 3000 stars;

Image for Little King

and if you fancy adding a Nintendo-flavour to your busking, this one's more affordable at 2500 stars;

Image for Little King

Be sure to check out many more stuff up for grabs in the Stars Catalogue.

Box art for Little King's Story



Rising Star





C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (1 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Man that has to be an error, no way it could be so cheap! And I'm still trying to save up for the Mario Galaxy OST Smilie

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Maybe it's to generate some interest for it?

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

How is "Little King's Story" the same star price as "Mario Vs. Donkey Kong?" Smilie

This amazing game so cheap!!! Hard to believe!

I've been calling every shop yesterday but no one had it yet.

I want this game.

Almost wish I hadn't traded in all my stars for Wii Points.

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