Monster Hunter 3 Demo Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.04.2009 18

Monster Hunter 3 Demo Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The upcoming port of Monster Hunter G comes with a demo disc for Monster Hunter 3 - first footage inside.

The disc offers an introduction to the beautiful Wii game, taking players into battle against fearsome beasts with a whopping huge blade for massive damage. Monster Hunter 3's out in summer 2009.

Thanks to NeoGAF, C3 reader Linkyshinks.

Box art for Monster Hunter Tri








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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (26 Votes)

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Looks like loading times are kept to a minimum, and the game looks beautiful, although the video quality (even in HD mode) wasn't too good. and the person playing that was a bit..... crappy.

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So which game is out in summer 2009, G or Tri?

And what a terrible player, he makes the game look so annoying. Unless you really can only swing your sword in one way: downwards from over your head. How about some horizontal swings!

The loading times are WAY too long and too frequent, but this is just an early demo version, so I'm not too surprised. The images of the Monster Hunter G Wii package at the link look pretty cool. Hope it sells well...things seem to be struggling on Wii in Japan right now.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Looks good. Those loading times should not be in the final build.

( Edited 21.04.2009 15:24 by Linkyshinks )

Graphicaly it looks like Twlight Princess...bit less in the landscape, but higher res textures that makes up for it.
Certainly one of the best looking 3rd party games.

Loading times will need to go really. This is a Nintendo machine here, loading times wont be tolerated Smilie

Purhapes a little bit of work on water effect too...but apart from that, its looking great. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I wonder if this game will be enough to give the Wii a boost in Japan.

Darkflame said:
Loading times will need to go really. This is a Nintendo machine here, loading times wont be tolerated Smilie

Have you played Brawl? Smilie

Looks really good but is this a remake of the 1st game? I think I remember hearing something about that.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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LKR000 said:
Looks really good but is this a remake of the 1st game? I think I remember hearing something about that.

No, this is the third game.

The remake on Wii was given 14 points or so by Famitsu in Japan.

MH3 looks amazing, graphically I would have to agree that its not far off Twilight Princess, but this is a totally new type of game for the Wii. I can\'t wait!

Edit: Totally in agreement that the player is a moron, he actually makes that game look like it could be boring...though I am sure it\'s just the player, not the game

( Edited 21.04.2009 18:36 by Scorp )

Smilie Nice vid post LS, that really makes me want to use the hammer type weaponSmilie

I'm hoping the pay play online feature isn't used for MH3Smilie

Looks fun. Hope it comes to american shores

Darkflame said:
Graphicaly it looks like Twlight Princess...bit less in the landscape, but higher res textures that makes up for it.
Certainly one of the best looking 3rd party games.

Loading times will need to go really. This is a Nintendo machine here, loading times wont be tolerated Smilie

Purhapes a little bit of work on water effect too...but apart from that, its looking great.

Are you serious about the graphics? The lighting and shadow system in TP is really not even 1% of what we see here!
And the textures look good even with this poor quality of the video.
Prepare to change your mind when the game comes out and you see it with your eyes! Smilie

( Edited 21.04.2009 23:08 by LinkSoul )

Linkyshinks said:

No, this is the third game.

The remake on Wii was given 14 points or so by Famitsu in Japan.

Ahh right cheers for clearing that up Smilie
Seriously though the graphics do look very good and detailed, looking forward to buying this.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
3DS: 1246-8696-120                              GT: LKR101

This game looks miles better than TP, watch the game in HQ.

Just a few more videos to wet the appetite.

( Edited 22.04.2009 00:22 by Linkyshinks )


That 3rd vid has some epic battles in it.Smilie

Any word if the online will utilize Wii Speak?

That looks pretty identical to Twlight Princess lighting/shadow wise.
In fact, the charecter shadows in TP might well be better. Those shadows dont seem as defined and there seems to be some pinning problems (but that might be fixed for release).

As I said. Less in the landscape, better textures. Purhapes more polygons in the models too but overall quite similiar apart from the texture res.

I wonder if this game will be enough to give the Wii a boost in Japan.

Almost certainly.
Especialy when combined with Tales Of Graces coming too.
Both are huge franchise\'s over there.

( Edited 22.04.2009 13:25 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
Last update; Mice,Plumbers,Animatronics and Airbenders. We also have the socials; Facebook & G+

Darkflame said:
That looks pretty identical to Twlight Princess lighting/shadow wise.
In fact, the charecter shadows in TP might well be better. Those shadows dont seem as defined and there seems to be some pinning problems (but that might be fixed for release)

Twilight Princess is miles behind on every front graphically, especially in terms of lighting effects and animation. The only place where they are on par is textures, but that\'s due largely to the limitations of Wii.

More gameplay-

Epic Boss Battle

( Edited 22.04.2009 16:10 by Linkyshinks )

J Tangle said:I\'m hoping the pay play online feature isn\'t used for MH3Smilie

WHAT??????? They CAN\'T!!!!

( Edited 27.04.2009 22:06 by Scorp )

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