New Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 20.04.2009 16

New Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has released more screens from the upcoming Wii exclusive RPG, FFCC: The Crystal Bearers.

These new snaps show our Clavat protagonist dashing about a beautiful overworld, shoving monsters about, swimming and leaping to the skies. More screens can be found in the game's album below.

Image for New Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Screens
Image for New Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Screens
Image for New Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Screens
Image for New Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Screens
Image for New Final Fantasy Crystal Bearers Screens

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



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This game looks gigantic. It looks like it couldn't be MORE different from the original FFCC too, I'm finding it hard to believe that a multiplayer could ever be integrated...

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It does look pretty in depth doesen\'t it Smilie
Can\'t wait to see some more videos of it.

( Edited 20.04.2009 17:34 by LKR000 )

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This game seems like a mixture of

The legend of Zelda + Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Every time i see it i crave it more and more!

Oh...and the equation above goes like this

The legend of Zelda + Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles = AWESOME

( Edited 20.04.2009 19:15 by LinkSoul )

SuperLink said:
This game looks gigantic. It looks like it couldn't be MORE different from the original FFCC too, I'm finding it hard to believe that a multiplayer could ever be integrated...

I think I recall them saying somewhere it's single player only (can't be certain, though). Probably why they released Echoes of Time as well.

Maybe it'll be the Wii's longest single player game so far, as to why a) it's taking so long to develop, and b) it looks so massive. I'm sure they'll be using a dual layered disc for this.

Looks awesome... Now I just hope it's good.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Am I REALLY the only one not impressed by the visuals?,,

Really? Guys?,,


~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~
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Don't worry, seems like S-E is generally lacking in the textures department atm. Smilie

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SuperLink said:
Don't worry, seems like S-E is generally lacking in the textures department atm. Smilie

I just sat there and thought hard what Wii game this one may be. Now I know... *lol* PS3 never looked o good...
I think they should change the engine, no?

But yes, I wasn't impressed by the stills, too. But Wii never looks as great in stills as PS3. As we can see in SuperLinks screen, obviously. *lol*

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Faust D. Stroyer said:
Am I REALLY the only one not impressed by the visuals?,,

Really? Guys?,,


Me too.
The Gamecube game looked wayyyyy better. (real fur, refractions, and much nicer landscapes).

Of course, this ones gameplay looks a lot more interesting, so that trumps all that.
But its still a bezire step backwards from the old. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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I never said I was impressed by th visuals I think they could look quite a bit better, I mean, all they need to add is a bit of bloom lighting and better textures then it\'ll be on par with Twilight Princess, at the moment it doesn\'t look much bettter than FFXII.

( Edited 21.04.2009 09:38 by Stulaw )

I'd think that having huge landscapes explorable in all directions would make it a bit more testing than the GC game, in which you could only view the maps from one angle, and characters could only walk run and attack.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks pretty amazing to me, no doubt the magic spells will look very pretty aswell.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

SuperLink said:
I'd think that having huge landscapes explorable in all directions would make it a bit more testing than the GC game, in which you could only view the maps from one angle, and characters could only walk run and attack.

The question still remains how big this world will actually be and how explorable everything will turn out,,

It's just a game of wait and see with this one. Hoorah.

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Aren`t all of the main stream Final Fantasies single player any way? Hopefully all this effort will be worth it with an awesome adventure, great gameplay, and an engrossing story.

Glenjamin said:
Aren`t all of the main stream Final Fantasies single player any way? Hopefully all this effort will be worth it with an awesome adventure, great gameplay, and an engrossing story.

They are, but this isn't a mainstream FF, it's a Crystal Chronicles title.

Crystal Chronicles = CoOp FF hack 'n' slash.

Although I guess S-E are making loads of FF spin offs lately; so maybe there are no longer real classifications for them xD I'm mainly just worried that CB won't be any more than a "good FF action game" without the CoOp.

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