Excitebots - Online Mode Wii Screens

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.04.2009 13

Excitebots - Online Mode Wii Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A week ahead of it's release in the US, Nintendo has released a handful of screens of the online mode in Excitebots.

Up to 6 players can race one another at one time over Nintendo's Wi-Fi connection in the regular Excite Race and Poke Race modes. There's also ghost data exchange and challenge (in a similar way to Mario Kart Wii's system).

Image for Excitebots - Online Mode Wii Screens
Image for Excitebots - Online Mode Wii Screens
Image for Excitebots - Online Mode Wii Screens
Image for Excitebots - Online Mode Wii Screens
Image for Excitebots - Online Mode Wii Screens

Thanks to Nintendo Life.

Box art for Excitebots: Trick Racing








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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This game is looking better all the time...and it essentially came out of no where. No one was expecting it which makes it a nice treat.

Unfortunately I have a lot of other games that I would like to get so I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to pick this one up.

This is looking so good right now and the feedback we get from all the gaming sites are so positive!
On top of that we get a 6-player online mode!

This is a day one purchase for me!

Can i get a HELZ YEAH? 8)

It's out next week in US? Holy crap that's soon! Hopefully not much longer for Europe.

It's sounding awesome. So what about SD Music support? Any mention or sign of that so far? That was one of the best things about Excite Truck Smilie

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

SD music would be a nice addition, since Excitetrack was great with it!

a nice 6 player online-mode? great, maybe an alternative for me and friends to Mario Kart.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

online want the 1st game needed to make me play for long the game is fun cant wait for this Big N are keeding they games close to they chest and showing them just b4 they come out is nuts XD

I still won't buy it. Cheating speed by applying such an extreme field of vision makes me want to puke.

Give me another f-zero GX. That game was practically perfect.

erv said:
I still won't buy it. Cheating speed by applying such an extreme field of vision makes me want to puke.

That's a stupid reason to not want a perfectly fun game.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

According to IGN, there is no Wiispeak support and there is no SD card custom music support

Should still be fun without Wii speak online, Mario Kart's fun enough. Hopefully the weapon pickups wont be too un-even like in MK.

Looks fun, just makes me want a damn F Zero Wii game as soon as possible.

KingofBling said:
According to IGN, there is no Wiispeak support and there is no SD card custom music support


Not using the WiiSpeak is stupid. Why the hell did Nintendo even release WS if they're not going to utilize it in anymore games?Smilie Also SD support was one of my favorite features from Excite Truck so that's a bit of a bugger too. I was already upset with the fact they got rid of the trucks so this is looking to be a no buy for me.

I just hate how...dumb it looks. I mean bots? Seriously? Freaking bug cars?

roo (guest) 28.11.2010#13


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