Nintendo Launches Fan Network by Loaning Free DSi

By Jorge Ba-oh 14.04.2009 9

Nintendo Launches Fan Network by Loaning Free DSi on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed pans to let fans borrow 150 new DSi consoles at games for free, including the Nintendo Fan Network app.

The app, powered wirelessly, offers a live video broadcast, replays, trivia and games for fans - as well as real time scores of other baseball games currently running. Hungry fans can order food and drink directly to their seats, see weather, traffic information etc. It can be accessed on regular DS consoles too, using download play, for the duration of any home game.

Our collaboration with the Nintendo Fan Network is a direct extension of the ESPN mission to enliven the sports experience, no matter how or where fans are consuming sports.

John Zehr, Senior Vice President at ESPN

Nintendo of America will likely bring the service to other major stadiums across the US throughout the year, expanding its relationship with the ESPN network.

A video from the early demo/tests last year:

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O damn this is freaking awesome. They mentioned this last year at E3 I'm kinda surprised that they followed through.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Wolvesgod said:
O damn this is freaking awesome. They mentioned this last year at E3 I'm kinda surprised that they followed through.

Why would they have not followed through?

Wolvesgod said:
O damn this is freaking awesome. They mentioned this last year at E3 I'm kinda surprised that they followed through.

i just hope that they have a better E3 than they did last year. they sucked and it kinda shows now. if only they were going to make games for the awesome franshises. no more wii (fill in the blank)

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

Sonic_13 said:
Why would they have not followed through?

'Cos there might be pedophiles at these games! Smilie

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Sonic_13 said:
Wolvesgod said:
O damn this is freaking awesome. They mentioned this last year at E3 I'm kinda surprised that they followed through.

Why would they have not followed through?

Because they forgot to take their laxitives.

Im more shocked people actually pay to see BASEBALL Smilie I mean come on, its baseball!! People in the stands use more energy on their ds's than the players themselves. anyways back to the subject. Its a good idea. I'd never take my DS somewhere like that, you never know whos watching or waiting to mug you.

SuperShyGuy62 said:

if only they were going to make games for the awesome franshises. no more wii (fill in the blank)

Nintendo has done a great job so far. We already have games for the following major franchises:
- Animal Crossing
- Battalion Wars
- Excite (truck, bots)
- Fire Emblem
- Mario (Galaxy, Kart, Paper, Party, sports)
- Metroid
- Pikmin
- Punch-Out!!
- Sin & Punishment
- Smash Bros.
- WarioWare
- Zelda

( Edited 14.04.2009 01:51 by Sonic_13 )

Wow, the local stadium around here is NEVER that full. Smilie

It looks like it's a cross-breed DS; a DS mixed with a DS Lite. Pretty sweet stuff going on here.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

So that's how they get rid of the DSPhats: they paint them white and let sport fans borrow them.

I couldn't understand it when I saw the description here, but the movie was good.

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