Sega: MadWorld, HOTD Doing Well

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.04.2009 8

Sega: MadWorld, HOTD Doing Well on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

SEGA of America's Sean Ratcliffe has posted strong results for MadWorld and House of the Dead: Overkill, both performing well.

The vice president of marketing revealed that despite MadWorld's initial sales being weak it's showing encouraging signs. Sega are very pleased with how House of the Dead has turned out, however.

VB: Sega is also going after the core audience with games like House of the Dead: Overkill and Mad World. How are consumers responding to those Mature-rated titles?

SR: House of the Dead has done very well and has absolutely met our expectations. The first set of data for Mad World is very encouraging, as well.

VB: Do you see franchise potential for Mad World with sequels?

SR: If it resonates with the audience, yes, we absolutely want to make that into a franchise. I think it's unique, and there are many aspects of that game which are sort of pushing boundaries. And it's just great fun.

Thanks to NeoGAF.

Box art for MadWorld








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Well Im very glad for Sega. They have stepped it up a little. Its a shame the Onrails did better then the brawler. Hope they infer that its because one is based on a well known franchise and the other was very 'OUT' there.

I recently purchased both costing me £35 altogether. BARGAIN!

Would like to see actual figures. . .

I want MadWorld 2!!!

I finally was able to pick up MadWorld a couple days ago, and was "ZOMG!1!!"-ing & "LOL"-ing the whole night. lol Smilie It's very well done and a blast to play. It deserves a sequel. The game kicks ass!Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

If only HotD: Overkill was an FPS instead of an FPRS... I'd want it... I thought the whole point of the Wiimote was to merge the 2...

But yeah MadWorld if fun too even if it's more style than game play. The style is so great I would have bought MadWorld in almost any form.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

maeda said:
I want MadWorld 2!!!

I want MadWorld 1!

Gamestation is doing a major easter weekend half price sale. Not only on these games, but on a few others as well, Sonic and the Black knight (or whatever its called,)

Banjo nuts and bolts, GOW2. Quite a few others. might wanna pop in there 2moro if you havnt already!

Honestly, Madworld isn't my game. Too bloody. But it's absolutely stylish and that's what sells on Wii. HotD may be an on rails shooter, but it always was one and HotD is allowed to do one, since that's what it's all about since the beginning.
It isn't zombie-slashing, that sells HotD Overkill, it's the hilarious connection and relationship between Agent G and Washington. The Cutscenes and the over the top acting is what makes this game believable even when it's zombie slashing is way over the top. Wii owner love that. I love that. I laughed my ass of about effing of Washington, about him calling G a sissy, about his accent, about... everything. They also give a lot of tips making the boss fights easier then House Of The Dead arcade machine did. HotD 2 arcade was short, hard and sterile. Overkill is fun, long, crazy and great.
I think Madworld is similar, maybe if only I would play it it would give me pleasure. But the style is unique and that you can see without plaing it. I love it's style!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Sonic_13 said:
maeda said:
I want MadWorld 2!!!

I want MadWorld 1!

Haha I know the feeling Smilie
Glad that Sega is putting forth a good effort for Wii games. Can't wait for the Conduit.

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