New Play Control! Chibi Robo Detailed

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.04.2009 7

New Play Control! Chibi Robo Detailed on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest edition of Japanese magazine Famitsu has shed a few new details on the upcoming New Play Control version of, Chibi Robo.

According to a translation by IGN, Nintendo has re-imagined the game using the the Wii remote to point at items and people, letting off a sound to indicate what you'd be able to touch and get ickle Chibi Robo to pick up and use. These items, the Chibi Tools, are controlled using the remote in waggle fashion to perform chores and tasks around the house.

Metroid Prime 2 was also mentioned, with no specifics, but expect similar updates to those in the first Play on Wii Metroid Prime.

Both games are due for release in Japan later this year.

Box art for New Play Control! Chibi Robo








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European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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Sounds intriguing...and do you know why? Well, Chibi-robo! was originally meant to be a point-and-click style affair when Skip was making the game for Bandai Namco. Then the title was dropped and Miyamoto stepped in to offer advice and it was considerably re-worked. NOW it's seemingly going back to the roots not many will know about!

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Yeah, it is pretty bizarre how it's all turned out! As I recall Miyamoto wasn't a fan of the point and click style at all, so for it to go back is going to be interesting. Sounds like it may end up as a hybrid of the original version and the final Gamecube retail version, and thus worthy of a purchase for people who already own the GC edition.

My most anticipated New Play Control title. I adored the original Chibi Robo.

I always kind of wanted the Gamecube game, but I never got around to buying. Hopefully I can afford this. I'll at least make a point to rent it some time.

TAG: That American Guy

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone." Romans 12:18

I'm glad they're bringing this over to the Wii. Loved the Gamecube game so I may pick this one up as well.

I couldn't get this anywhere at the end of the gamecubes life.

I tried, but this was one of those games that just refused to be in shops. A gem a forcefully missed out on.

If the controls are good I'll definitely buy it.

I hope me and other people will get this highly underestimated game. I was told from everyone, that it is a pearl of a game. I hope I can pick this game up, too.
I was astounded, that Nintendo gave this game a second chance, since it seemed to me, that it was poorly received and didn't sell well. That's cool!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

This is good news seeing as the GC version is pretty hard to find now.

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