Competition: Win Tickets to PDC World Championship Darts 2009 Press Launch

By Jorge Ba-oh 08.04.2009 1

Competition: Win Tickets to PDC World Championship Darts 2009 Press Launch on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Do you like darts and can get to London on Tuesday 14th April 2009? Here's a chance to stand at the Oche and head on in for our press launch competition courtesy of Oxygen Games.

Image for Competition: Win Tickets to PDC World Championship Darts 2009 Press Launch

PDC World Championship Darts 2009, from Oxygen Games, is being released on Nintendo Wii™ and DS™, and we're giving you and a friend the chance to attend the press launch for the game, meet the development team, and challenge 14 times World Champion Phil "The Power" Taylor and James "The Machine" Wade to some throwing action ahead of the game's release on the 29th May 2009.

Image for Competition: Win Tickets to PDC World Championship Darts 2009 Press Launch
Image for Competition: Win Tickets to PDC World Championship Darts 2009 Press Launch

To enter send your name (and a friend's name if you'd be bringing someone along) to [email protected] with the subject "Contest Entry" (along those lines) the winner will be notified on Friday May 10th 2009. Good luck!!

Competition Requirements

  • Must be over 18-years old and be able to provide ID as the event will be taking place in a bar.
  • Be able to be in London on Tuesday 14th April 2009, 4-6pm.
  • Be able to provide own transport for the event in London (ideally be London based, but this shouldn't be a problem).
  • Box art for PDC World Championship Darts 2009








    C3 Score

    Rated $score out of 10  7/10

    Reader Score

    Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (13 Votes)

    European release date Out now   North America release date None   Japan release date None   Australian release date None   

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    Oooh, cool. Something a bit different from a competition on C3, I like. Good luck to everyone who enters.

    Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

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