Capcom on Lack of Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter IV on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2009 35

Capcom on Lack of Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter IV on Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has answered Reggie Fils-Aime on his recent query - why aren't Resident Evil 5 or Street Fighter IV on the Wii?

Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America president, recently put out a question to Capcom on the company's decisions, and why two of the more popular franchises didn't make the Wii cut - and now a reply from Chris Kramer, communications director at Capcom - and pretty much as expected:

Both 'Resident Evil 5' and 'Street Fighter IV' were designed for high-definition graphics systems using Capcom's current in-house engine called MT Framework. To get 'RE5′ or 'Street Fighter IV' out on the Wii, we would have to create all-new versions of both of these games, which is something we're not opposed to doing. So the intention of both 'RE5′ and 'Street Fighter IV' was to go for graphical showcases, which is not what the center of the bullseye Wii is aiming for. However, we do have a lot of 'Resident Evil' action happening on the Wii and hopefully we will have more in the future.

Chris Kramer, communications director, Capcom

Thanks to MTV Multiplayer.

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justonesp00lturn said:
The difference is, a Wii game can be made to look better or worse depending on the devloper, as the graphics and stuff is all customizable, whereas in the Xbox 360 or DS, it isn't.

Umm excuse me but... What the fuck are you doing?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

knighty said:

Seriously, open your eyes.
I'm actually dieing of laughter XD How can you be so fucking retarded?

Christ Knighty I thought you'd stopped with this crap. Can't you pick someone's argument to bits without insulting them? Everyone else in the thread had done just fine doing that so far.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I blame it on sexual frustration supes(i'm calling you this from now on).

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Well I\'m sorry on pointing out people being retarded. Just read what he said, it\'s hilarious XD. Can\'t I pick someone\'s argument to bits and insult them? It\'s more fun like that.

Sorry though <_< I\'ve just seen too much crap lately and felt the need to expell anger.

Lol sexual frustration. That makes sense I guess Smilie

( Edited 04.04.2009 16:14 by knighty )

What's the point in the internet if you can't call stupid people (In this case, really reeeeeeeeeeaaally stupid people) stupid?

Still a proud member of the 'omfg amazing water in games' society

Mario_0 said:
I blame it on sexual frustration supes(i\'m calling you this from now on).

It\'s \'k, I love that nickname Smilie

knighty said:
Well I\'m sorry on pointing out people being retarded. Just read what he said, it\'s hilarious XD. Can\'t I pick someone\'s argument to bits and insult them? It\'s more fun like that.

Nope, it\'s not necessary and it make the whole thread atmosphere generally unpleasant, can end in lockage or arguments. You know C3\'s policy, you\'ve known it for god knows how long, and you know what we\'re like with insults.

Sorry though <_< I\'ve just seen too much crap lately and felt the need to expell anger.

/v/ is generally a good place to expell anger. Smilie

Megadanxzero said:
What\'s the point in the internet if you can\'t call stupid people (In this case, really reeeeeeeeeeaaally stupid people) stupid?

How about educating people instead? Not only do you make yourself look/feel \"smart\" instead of just looking (and sometimes feeling) like a downright \"meanie\", but you get to have a debate with the opposition regarding the subject itself, rather than them just insulting you back; which is just inevitable now isn\'t it? What was a debate will quickly detoriorate into a bitch \"my opinion > your opinion\" fest.

( Edited 04.04.2009 16:22 by SuperLink )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Yeah but /v/ is anonymous so it's not so fun. Actually, yesterday was the first time I've been on /v/ in a while. Coincidence that I'm angry today?

knighty said:
Yeah but /v/ is anonymous so it's not so fun. Actually, yesterday was the first time I've been on /v/ in a while. Coincidence that I'm angry today?

Personally I don't find offending people very fun anonymous or not. Yesterday was also the first time I'd been on it for a while; although I dragged myself off after 3 posts to work rather than getting addicted again ^^;

/v/ is awesome on the rare occasion everyone is friendly though. It can quickly down that wrinkled frown upside down. So yeah, lack of insults is generally a very good thing; even on /v/.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Threads like this just make me facepalm too much.

knighty said:

Threads like this just make me facepalm too much.

They\'re just trolling for attention, you\'re meant to ignore them D: They\'re basically just trying to get reaction images from all Wind Waker fans anyway Smilie.

( Edited 04.04.2009 17:00 by SuperLink )

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