Capcom on Lack of Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter IV on Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.04.2009 35

Capcom on Lack of Resident Evil 5, Street Fighter IV on Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom has answered Reggie Fils-Aime on his recent query - why aren't Resident Evil 5 or Street Fighter IV on the Wii?

Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America president, recently put out a question to Capcom on the company's decisions, and why two of the more popular franchises didn't make the Wii cut - and now a reply from Chris Kramer, communications director at Capcom - and pretty much as expected:

Both 'Resident Evil 5' and 'Street Fighter IV' were designed for high-definition graphics systems using Capcom's current in-house engine called MT Framework. To get 'RE5′ or 'Street Fighter IV' out on the Wii, we would have to create all-new versions of both of these games, which is something we're not opposed to doing. So the intention of both 'RE5′ and 'Street Fighter IV' was to go for graphical showcases, which is not what the center of the bullseye Wii is aiming for. However, we do have a lot of 'Resident Evil' action happening on the Wii and hopefully we will have more in the future.

Chris Kramer, communications director, Capcom

Thanks to MTV Multiplayer.

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Makes sense, I guess... silly Reggie, why even ask? Seriously...

I hate it when developers brush things off because it\'s too \"underpowered\" You can still make the games look gorgeous if you give it some effort. It\'s like cell shading doesn\'t suit the Wii, Oh, Wait!.... Doesn\'t have to be bloody HD either.

( Edited 01.04.2009 23:07 by Echoes221 )

I'm glad Reggie asked.

Bring RE5 to Wii Capcom!

RE4 (Wii) sold over 1.5 million copies, a game that had already sold over 1.6 million copies on GameCube. Resident Evil 5 would easily sell that many and likely more which would mean a considerable profit for Capcom, especially considering they would really only have to redo the graphical work. Other things such as script, story, a majority of the programming, audio, and voice work would only require minor modifications (if any at all).

Really? Takeuchi said the main reason was enemy count, and the secondary reason was AI. He didn't even MENTION graphics.

NNID: crackedthesky
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Echoes221 said:
I hate it when developers brush things off because it's too "underpowered" You can still make the games look gorgeous if you give it some effort. It's like cell shading doesn't suit the Wii, Oh, Wait!.... Doesn't have to be bloody HD either.

Completely agreed, RE4 looks really good even today! Twilight Princess, Mario Galaxy, Metroid all of them look amazing, so yeah they can do it, use the RE4 Controls and tah-dah- 1m+ seller on the Wii alone.

Theres more to it then just dumb down the graphics. Alot of the assets will take a hit with a Wii port. It\'s not worth the time, money or manpower in my opinion. Just play the games the way Capcom envisioned and blame Nintendo for not pushing the tech.

Takeuchi said the Wii couldn\'t hand the Title screen Justones.

( Edited 01.04.2009 23:36 by Simez )

Simez said:
Theres more to it then just dumb down the graphics. Alot of the assets will take a hit with a Wii port. It's not worth the time, money or manpower in my opinion. Just play the games the way Capcom envisioned and blame Nintendo for not pushing the tech.

Takeuchi said the Wii couldn't hand the Title screen Justones.

Thats like saying "I'm not gonna shag you because you wern't born with a big enough Penis"
We have what we have and I can see no reason why SF4 or Resi5 could be put onto the wii. Sure, there would have to be sacrifices, but it is doable.

Honesty Resident Evil 5 was a bit of bit of a dissapointment, and that's saying a lot coming from a big Resident Evil fan like myself. So I don't think it's that big of a deal not having it on the Wii.

At least bring Monster Hunter 3 and Tatsunoko vs Capcom to the west...

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

After Dead Rising I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom never downgraded a game again.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

They just need to remake the assets of Re5.
That is all.
Less polys, lower textures.
The gameplay is a lot easier to port then DeadRising.

Not that I care much for it.

( Edited 02.04.2009 08:43 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Maybe Street Fighter can can go to Wii because it's style makes the graphics look less complex. But Resident Evil is in another thing entirely. It's not just graphics driving this game. They have to make the environments smaller (round elevator boss fight was massive).

Dumb down the AI/enemies on screen, reduce polygons. Characters probably have over 10 textures, they'd have to reduce it to 3 or 4, lighting, sound reduced, specular/normal/bump mapping gone. This really would be ass, it's not just graphical details being sacrificed. Get a 360 they're cheaper than Wii now, there's no excuse if you want RE5.

More lazy pap from lazy devs. It seems that devs are taking the automobile approach to this one: Make bigger, stronger, faster engines that no one can actually use just to say you can.

Who can actually say they routinely get their car up to 200+ km/h?

WTF? Why wasn't this a problem when PS2 was so underpowered. GameCube and Xbox were to more powerful yet the PS2 was getting all the games and frankly....with good graphics too.]

So Capcom....i think the excuse you are giving for your laziness is just contradicting with your whole strategy you chose the previous generation!

LinkSoul said:
WTF? Why wasn't this a problem when PS2 was so underpowered. GameCube and Xbox were to more powerful yet the PS2 was getting all the games and frankly....with good graphics too.]

So Capcom....i think the excuse you are giving for your laziness is just contradicting with your whole strategy you chose the previous generation!

Comparing the difference between PS2/GC with Wii/360 is just silly and you know it.

I don't see why Wii fans want it so much. Personally I think RE4 looks better than RE5 anyway. Polygon count and res don't mean much when RE4's locations are still more interesting than RE5's.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's because every game Shinji Mikami works on looks amazing SuperLink.

To the other guy. The Wii is to the PS360, what the DS is the the Xbox. Think of it like that. These are multi core processors you're compareing the Wii to.

Simez said:
That's because every game Shinji Mikami works on looks amazing SuperLink.

To the other guy. The Wii is to the PS360, what the DS is the the Xbox. Think of it like that. These are multi core processors you're compareing the Wii to.

The difference is, a Wii game can be made to look better or worse depending on the devloper, as the graphics and stuff is all customizable, whereas in the Xbox 360 or DS, it isn't. That's how you can get games like The Conduit that really don't look more than a stone's throw away from Xbox 360 games, graphics-wise. I mean, look at RE4. It still looks better than a LOT of games coming out today. It's alla bout how much time and effort the developer wants to put into it.

As for Takeuchi saying the Wii couldn't run the title screen, that was sarcasm. I read an interview where he said the main reason was that the enemy count would have to be lowered (I don't buy it, the enemy count was pretty much the same for 4) and the second reason was partner AI.

Why I think a Wii version would be cool, and why it would be worth it for Capcom, is if they could implement all of the online features. Wii owners would get their first true online game experience (Mario kart Wii is close, Brawl is just short of disastrous.) Right now, it looks like our first true online game will be The Conduit.

Every RE game has been ported to the major systems of its time, so far, with one exception (4 for Xbox). I think we'll see some form of RE5 on the Wii. Releasing it now would just detract from sales for the other two systems anyway, so they probably want to hold off (hence the making up reasons that don't make sense.)

What I REALLY want is for this outcry to push Capcom to put RE6 on the Wii, especially if it's going to be as re-imaginative as they keep claiming.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

The Conduit doesn't look anywhere close to anything the 360's pushing and it never will due to the shader techniques involved in games like Gears.

I need to ask you if you have a HDTV right now because it seems to be the only way you could have come to the conclusion that Conduit comes close . I'm not trying to piss on the Wii's parade, obviously I have one but...The 360 even the original Xbox has more than the Wii in terms of custom graphics techniques. I haven't seen a Wii game that comes close to the complex graphics of Chaos Theory or Chronicles of Riddick or Doom 3 on the first Xbox.

Resident Evil 4 does look good but without decent cables - or with them - it looks like washed out gunk on a HDTV. You need to understand that even if Wii was HD it is still on a different albeit lower level in terms of hardware performance.

The Wii is Amir Khan and 360 is Mike Tyson I don't know any other way to put it to you.

The friend code nonsense stops the NWC from being a service let alone a good service IMO.

No, I don't have an HD tv. I've never really seen the point to them, either. But I play games on a small TV and I have bad eyesight, so I'm not speaking for everyone. But I definitely wouldn't say the Conduit doesn't look as good as EVERYTHING on the 360. And I also wouldn't say that original Xbox games look better than wii games. Of course there are some (there's some major crap on the Wii) but not all.

When I play a game, I'm not sitting there oohing and ahhing at high definition graphics. I'm not trying to excuse total crap for graphics, either. But when it really comes down to it, graphics are not everything. Example: start a poll, see which people like better: RE5, or RE4. I bet RE4 will win by a landslide. Even though RE5 looks better, the story was absolutely stupid. And the game is a third to half as long, and not very captivating or original, like 4 was.

I agree about the friend code thing. Completely ridiculous, and unnecessary. It would be one thing if they gave a decent alternative, but they don't. Look at Brawl; no friend codes means you get to play nothing but time battles fixed at two minutes.

NNID: crackedthesky
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If you're going to start a poll on if people like RE4 or RE5 more you might as well start a poll on why would you even want RE5 on the Wii to begin with.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

I've given reasons for it. It's not that big of a deal. My point was that RE4 is better than RE5, to me and a lot of fans, because it had a real story and a lot of originality. RE5 is a lot more powerful and better-looking, but that isn't enough to make it a better game.
It's also not enough to warrant me not wanting to ever play it. People keep acting like its so easy to just ahve all of the systems. It's not. I wouldn't get an Xbox unless I could play online, and I can't. So it isn't worth it to play the one or two good offline games for the system.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
I've given reasons for it. It's not that big of a deal. My point was that RE4 is better than RE5, to me and a lot of fans, because it had a real story and a lot of originality. RE5 is a lot more powerful and better-looking, but that isn't enough to make it a better game.
It's also not enough to warrant me not wanting to ever play it. People keep acting like its so easy to just have all of the systems. It's not. I wouldn't get an Xbox unless I could play online, and I can't. So it isn't worth it to play the one or two good offline games for the system.
Then why even complain? If you don't like RE5 that much & it's not being ported over then I don't see what your problem is.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

Hold on; what's the argument here? I don't believe anyone ever said that RE5 was better than RE4, or even implied that.

I have about 8 or 9 games on my 360, and I don't play any of them online, because personally, I don't like online gaming. The only thing that would bug me about lack of online is not having the marketplace, but that would bug me an equally big amount as not having the Wii Shopping Channel. It is easy to own more than one system; don't try to justify not getting an acclaimed game from "it's not as good as RE4", you're only saying that because you know you want it, you're just trying to make yourself not want it.

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SuperLink said:
Hold on; what's the argument here? I don't believe anyone ever said that RE5 was better than RE4, or even implied that.

I have about 8 or 9 games on my 360, and I don't play any of them online, because personally, I don't like online gaming. The only thing that would bug me about lack of online is not having the marketplace, but that would bug me an equally big amount as not having the Wii Shopping Channel. It is easy to own more than one system; don't try to justify not getting an acclaimed game from "it's not as good as RE4", you're only saying that because you know you want it, you're just trying to make yourself not want it.

That's what I'd like to know. Not only that, but if he has to say that RE4 is better than RE5 (Which obviously it is) then why even complain that he isn't getting RE5 on the Wii? If he really wants RE5 he should just get a 360.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...


Seriously, open your eyes.

The difference is, a Wii game can be made to look better or worse depending on the devloper, as the graphics and stuff is all customizable, whereas in the Xbox 360 or DS, it isn\'t.

I\'m actually dieing of laughter XD How can you be so fucking retarded? You do realise that the power of the 360/PS3/PC GPUs allow for far more varied graphics instead of a tiny of multi-texturing which is about all you can get out of the Wii. I still find it funny how so many Wii fanboys are orgasming over The Conduit. I mean, it looks good but the gameplay looks a bit pants, people are just liking it because of how it looks. Oh but Wii fanboys don\'t care about graphics do that? lolololol. Holy shit it has normal mapping, a technique which every 360 game has without fail and has been around for the past 6 years.

( Edited 04.04.2009 15:40 by knighty )

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