Rock N' Roll Climber - Debut Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 26.03.2009 10

Rock N

During the GDC presentation yesterday Nintendo demoed Wii climbing sim, Rock N' Roll Climber. Head on inside for footage..

The game combines the Wii remote, nunchuck and balance board to allow players to virtually ascend up walls, mountains and high places on screen. The board's used to calculate weight shifting, whilst the controllers act as your on-screen hands to grab onto ledges.

Thanks to Kotaku.

What do you think of the idea? Would you invest in a climbing game?

Box art for Rock N' Roll Climber








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I'm not sure if it was because it was on a giant screen, but that didn't look so good graphically.

I liked the guitar bit, quite funny Smilie but if you could control the guitar at the end, that would be great.

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That was so bad! Please don't say that's a game.Smilie

wait this was a demo right? I dont think Big N will put but a line for the top of a waterfall

i can see this being in a zelda game Smilie

( Edited 26.03.2009 08:39 by Jump_button )

I actualy really like this concept. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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It's a WiiWare game.

This is the game that Giles Goddard revealed to C3 in June last year, from his team 'Vitei' that previously did the excellent little puzzler 'Theta' on DS (sadly never released outside of Japan).

For those that don't realise, Goddard almost single-handedly made the original 1080 on N64, worked on Super Mario 64 and Doshin the Giant as well.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

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Looks like a good idea. Graphics are so-so, but it's Wiiware so that's not the point right? Shame I don't have a Balance Board, nor do I plan to get one unless it's sold seperately or with Mario & Sonic 2.

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That looks incredibly boring. I could see it work as a short mini game in a Zelda game or so...

But yeah, Goddard is cool. Smilie

I really like this concept. Plus the random guitar makes it even better. I don't have a balance board though, and I probably won't get one until it's cheaper.

hmm.. pretending to rock climb... not for me. like a few guys have said, this would work well within a zelda game. i could also see those mechanics being used in a DK climbing game akin to the gba and ds outtings

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