More Final Fantasy for WiiWare / VC

By Jorge Ba-oh 25.03.2009 9

More Final Fantasy for WiiWare / VC on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix has announced additional downloadable Final Fantasy games for WiiWare, in addition to the classics for VC.

There'll be two new releases for WiiWare this year, including a new addition to the Crystal Chronicles line.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord
Players take charge of the Darklord's daughter, who must place traps and monsters around her tower to stop adventurers from making it to the Dark Crystal at the tower's peak - all in real time.

Image for More Final Fantasy for WiiWare / VC
Image for More Final Fantasy for WiiWare / VC
Image for More Final Fantasy for WiiWare / VC

  • Official Darklord website
  • Final Fantasy IV: The After Years
    The mobile phone game has finally been confirmed for a Wii Ware release, catching up with the protagonists Cecil and Rosa 18 years after the original outing.

  • Official After Years website
  • If that hasn't wet your Final Fantasy appetite, the company have announced the inclusion of the original NES and SNES games in Nintendo's VC catalogue, starting with the first ever Final Fantasy… Final Fantasy.

    All these games have been penned in for a release sometime in 2009.

    Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord

    Square Enix


    Square Enix





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    European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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    wow! gonna bust it old school. Straight pimpin' yo!

    Wow, loads of treats here - sounds pretty darn good Smilie Kudos, S-E.

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Square Enix, I love you. This makes up completely for the years of lack support... AND THEN SOME! Still would like to see a sequel to Super Mario RPG coming... Smilie

    I think it had to be stressed that FFI-FFVI will hit the Japanese VC service, whilst the US will seemingly only get FFI-FFIV...

    ( Edited 26.03.2009 07:14 by jesusraz )

    Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

    UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

    Are you sure, jesusraz?
    hm. hmmm... damn. *g*
    Okay, probably won't get the FFs anyway. Some are just too old!

    But My Life as a Dark Lord looks great, I feared it was 'I build a city but am evil and wicked - and have white hair'. Glad it sounds like fun. Dungeon Keeper in vertical without the minions...

    And I am not interested in mobile phone games.

    I find your lack of faith disturbing!

    Glad for the strong WiiWare support. I'm hoping it becomes the so-called Steam of consoles.

    I won't get the VC FFs, the GBA and DS games are more than good enough. I assume US and maybe(Smilie) EU will only get I, IV and VI just like the original releases, and maybe they'll be released as I, II and III (sure hope not...)

    My Life as a Dark Lord is nice visually, but gawd, another FFCC Spinoff? Oh well, FFIV: The After Years will surely be excellent, can't wait!

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I hope this doesn't mean they're not remaking V and VI for DS as those are two remakes that would be worth it.

    If they don't remake them, I'll get them both on the VC as I've only got them on the PS1 and them versions have really slow loading times.

    That's neat and all, but the only announcement I want to hear right now is a remake of FF6. For REAL SquEnix. Do it and I won't begrudge you as much.

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