Mario Party 5Multiplayer 'madness' or mediocre mess?Game Data Mario Party 5 already looks like it's about ready to ship. At Nintendo's Gamer Summit 2003, all modes were already unlocked, the only thing unavailable were some of the mini-games. On the surface, Mario Party 5 is the same game as Mario Party 4, but if you dare to look, you'll notice that Hudson Soft has once again upped the ante by improving on an old formula -- there are both refinements to the standard party mode as well as a whole new slew of mini-games. In the 5th edition of Mario Party, the basic Party mode formula remains almost untouched. The basics are that four players (any combination of human and CPU) race around a 3D board attempting to collect the most coins and stars to win the game. Movement is decided by a rotating die. The character then moves along the playing board landing on any number of spaces, including ones that unleash good and bad events, detract or add coins, let you collect a star, and contain hidden objects. Once every character has ended its turn, all four players are thrust into one of the 60+ mini-games. Winning the game earns the player coins, which can be used to purchase stars. Players continue to move along the board in this fashion until the set number of turns (the minimum is 10) expires. Whoever has the most coins and stars is the victor. Two things have been added to the Party mode. The first is that the players can collect capsules that contain certain events. By throwing them at a game square on the board, an event (such as coin stealing) is affixed to that square allowing for some strategizing between turns that can either benefit you or hurt your opponents. The second feature is that MP5 now has 3D maps that allow you to view the entire game board without taking you entirely away from the action (the maps are easier to access). This allows players to easily check their location on the board and track down those precious stars. Story mode is where the story (how surprising) of Mario Party 5 unfolds. This one player adventure pits the player against the Koopa Kids -- a trio of Bowser's minions who are disrupting the peace in Dream Depot. You're responsible for defeating the Koopa clan (this is accomplished by stealing all their coins by winning the mini-games) so that Dream Depot can return to its usual quiet self. Story mode is played exactly like Party mode, except that the three Koopas all take their turn at once -- cutting down on the wait time. Of course, the best part of Mario Party has always been the mini-games -- and this year offers a large variety. First off, there are a couple variations on how mini-games are played. There's the standard four vs. four (23 different games), one vs. three (12 games) two vs. two (12 games), battle (6), duel (15), and finally 4 vs. Bowser (3). Here's a break down of just few of the new games that were playable today at the Gamers Summit: Coney Island: Players run around with cones trying to position themselves under falling scoops of ice cream -- whoever can catch the most ice cream in their cone wins. Pushy Penguins: Players find themselves on a huge piece of ice that is over populated with penguins. Penguins of all sizes and varying speeds waddle from the right to the left of the screen in an attempt to push players into the water. The last player to be pushed off the ice wins.Vicious Vending: This game involves no skill -- players simply stand beneath a vending machine and pull a lever to get something dropped on their heads. Whatever falls from the machine is what players get, whether they be coins or concrete blocks.Fishes Upon a Star: Players must avoid falling objects and crumbling ground to keep from falling to their doom. The last man standing wins.Frozen Frenzy: Players race around a stage punching, kicking, and power stomping each other in an attempt to steal crystals from each other. Whoever walks away with the most crystals wins.Tree climbing: Players must jump higher and higher on overhead tree branches that unexpectedly appear to the right, left, or straight above their character. The highest player in the tree wins. Chomp leading: Equipped with a whistle, competitors must lead a Chomp through an obstacle course as it leaps in the direction where the whistle is blown. This mini-game is a race to the finish line. Freeze a Chomp in its tracks: Characters stand with their backs facing a menacing Chomp. The player who is able to stop the Chomp (by shining a flashlight on it) the closest to them without getting eaten is victorious. Piranha plant dancing: Five piranha plants are dancing on a stage -- but one isn't dancing like the others. Players must press a button corresponding to the odd plant. Whoever has the most correct choices wins. Buckets of Shy Guys: Players are surrounded by numerous buckets, and the first to find three Shy Guys wins. Players must pick up a bucket while it's shaking or else they will find an unpleasant surprise that will temporarily knock them off their feet. Block stomping: A grid of dirt and stone blocks rest below each character. Players must navigate their way though the blocks by stomping their way though them. Dirt blocks are instantly destroyed while stone blocks take a few stomps to break down. First to the bottom wins.Cage -in- Cookin': Bowser has trapped all four players in cages. Players must press the displayed pattern of buttons as rapidly as possible to avoid being roasted by Bowser's fiery breath. As a bonus to loyal Mario Party fans, Hudson Soft has included some extra games to this year's rendition. In bonus mode, gamers can find Mario-d versions of ice hockey, volleyball, and a card game. Ice hockey pits two teams of two against each other. Shy Guys are the goal tenders while the players pass (A button) and shoot (B button) their way across the ice. Volleyball is equally easy to pick up and play. Two players are on each side of the net and must move underneath the ball's shadow to be in striking range. They can either set the ball for their partner by hitting the A button or jump up for a spike by jumping with the B button and then striking. The card game is more like a mini version of Mario Party. Players walk over cards to flip them over (in order to open to paths) in an attempt to collect the most stars. Mario Party 5 looks like it's more than prepared for its November 11th release. While it isn't doing anything revolutionary, there are a lot of all new mini-games for those Party fanatics, a couple refinements to the Party mode, and a whole new Story mode to battle through. Fast and fun, Mario Party 5 is just the game to tide over gamers with short attention spans until Wario Ware is released on GameCube sometime next year. Thanks to IGN for the words! Screenshots View AlbumPost Your comments below.