EA Talks On-Rails in Dead Space Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.03.2009 9

EA Talks On-Rails in Dead Space Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

EA recently discussed the feedback for Dead Space Wii, and why the team chose an on-rails approach.

When Dead Space Extraction was initially revealed to the press and public, a fair few fans were outraged at the move into on-rails structure and that it might spoil the atmosphere that had made the original a success. Steve Papoutsis, executive producer, has spoken to IGN on various tidbits, including on-rails and new weapons.

IGN: When you unveiled Dead Space Extraction, you revealed it is an on-rails shooter - a truth that disappointed some fans. What would you say to skeptics fearful that the end experience will be less interactive than Dead Space was on 360?

Steve: When we announced the game I was amazed at the passion Dead Space fans had for the franchise. I would tell the Skeptics that our team is passionate about innovation. Extraction is going to include all of the mechanics that made Dead Space a memorable experience: Stasis, Telekinesis, Strategic Dismemberment, and Zero-G . Our game is going to also deliver on some all new features, like Co-op, that really involves both players. Expect cooperative puzzles, brand new weapons, new characters, new enemies, new bosses, new story, and new locations. Our goal is to create an all new experience on the Nintendo Wii that feels custom built for that platform, and I think we are on track to do that.

Box art for Dead Space: Extraction








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You know, when the Wii came out, I expected it to get quite a few FPS's given its control scheme. I just didn't realize such a large number of them would be on rails...sorry, guided.

Based on the earlier trailer, I'm really looking forward to this, but I still feel that there is a massive opportunity for non-guided FPS's and 3rd-person adventure/shooter games on the Wii, that no one is yet really taking advantage of (outside of CoD and MoH games). Guess I'll have to wait for The Conduit to get that fix.

With the wii remote by itself the console is perfectly suited to onrails. But thank god Nintendo invented the nun chuck. Plug that bad boy in and you have the perfect console for first person shooters and third person games. RE4 and Metroid demonstrated the superior control mechanics over its HD cousins. So I dont buy into a comment about how this is built ground up with what the wii can do best. Infact RE4 controls could be greatly improved. With Motionplus melee combat could be amazing. Running whilst shooting should be implemented. I feel EA missed a trick here.
But I will greatly cut them some slack because Grand slam and Tiger10 look like the correct step forward for wiis third year

Well, Rails isn't too bad. I can't complain since Wii did serve up too good rails in both RE:UC and HoD:Overkill (is that OK in short? lol)

Rails may be old, but at least they are starting to implement more than just the standard point and shoot. Not a lot of rails up weapon upgrades as deep as the 2 games mention did nor did they have a deep story will multiple branches like RE:UC has (also those niffty side missions/back stories)

**and unfortunately, though i do agree that Wii is a good fit for fps...a lot of people can't grasp the easy (yet complex to them) use of the Wii-mote nunchuck...that's why i'm guessing Wii doesn't have as much fps games as it should...they still prefer a plain old control, so...archaic lol**

-make it count- Hey if you wanna play Wii Games with me, check out my game portion of my profile and pm me if you wanna add me so I can add you!

Rails can be good if implemented with care - sometimes not being able to control what you see could highten the mood.

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Maybe this will be like RE:UC, just in space. I feel this might not have as much depth as the umbrella chronicles does though.

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SmilieI don't remember hearing anyone say it looked bad or that it will fail. He must be referring to comments posted by Fanboys who don't own a Wii. In which it really doesn't matter what they think cause they won't be purchasing it anyway. It's just disappointing when you see what they did on the Original Xbox with Dead Space, and then hype everyone up with an announcement of a ground up Wii version which turns out to be On-Rails(or Guided as they call it). In the end I just want full control of my character.

IMO On-Rails is and will always be a casual pick up and play for an hour or less type game. They never hold my attention for too long, but don't misunderstand that's not a bad thing. It's almost the same feeling I get from ON-Rail shooters in Arcades. almostSmilie

The wii doesnt need all this on rails crap, it can handle 1st person non linear games just fine, developers are just too lazy too develop big game worlds and make a quick buck with a game that doesnt need as much development time. Hope it doesnt sell well and gets shit reviews

i love on rails shooters. im pretty happy about it

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