More Dragon Quest IX Details & Screens

By Adam Riley 16.03.2009

More Dragon Quest IX Details & Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

With Square Enix gearing up for the July release of Dragon Quest IX, even more details have started to pour out. This new update for the eagerly awaited role-playing game in the long-running series from the mind of Yuji Horii covers some of the new skills that will be included in the game, details of new jobs, as well as talk of classic Dragon Quest monsters that will be making a reappearance.

Below is a summary of some of the job-specific moves and attacks players will be able to access in the game, translated by Andriasang:

  • Giga Slash: This special attack can be learned by jobs that use sword weapons and can build up a sword skill parameter. Giga Slash can deal great damage to multiple enemies in one swing.
  • Kyushozuki: Jobs that use spears and lances as weapons, including soldiers and monks, can build up a spear skill parameter, eventually unlocking this special attack, which aims for a foe's vital areas and can even kill off an enemy in an instant.
  • Vampire Edge: Characters like soldiers and thieves who equip short swords and daggers can build up a dagger skill, eventually learning this special attack, which absorbs HP from its victims.
  • Hyouketsu Rangeki: This attack can be learned by Martial Artists, who can use a long bow as their weapon. It does damage to a large number of enemies. Thanks to ice power stored in the weapon's tip, it can be particularly effective against foes in a volcanic environment.
  • Shibari Uchi: Characters who use whips as a weapon can build up the whip skill parameter and eventually access this attack, whose name can be translated unofficially as Bind Strike. The attack not only damages the enemy, but can also immobilize it.
  • Hamon Enbu: Translated, unofficially, as Ripple Dance, this attack can be learned by those who can equip fans as a weapon. Ripples caused by the fan in the water cause great damage to enemies who reside by the shore.
  • Tiger Claw: Thieves and Martial Artist jobs can equip claw weapons and build up the claw skill parameter in order to learn this attack. The attack strikes at foes in a pair of quick consecutive blows.

More skills will be unlocked the further players work their way through the adventure, and, as well as this, the Battle Master and Ranger jobs were revealed. The Battle Master job lets the character use heavy weaponry, whilst the latter job allows the use of weapons and armour related in some way to nature.

Below is a list of creatures to be found in the game:

  • Slime Knight: A knight who moves about on grassy fields, protecting the Slime creatures. Players should beware its "Kabutowari" attack, which lowers defensive power.
  • Meda: A one-eyed creature that lurks deep in ruins. It tickles its foes, causing them to laugh and become immobile.
  • Black Tanu: An all-black raccoon-like monster skilled in ninjutsu. It can make itself disappear, more easily avoiding attack.
  • White Lancer: This centaur makes use of the Ice Javelin as a weapon and plots to cover the world in snow.
  • Totsugeki Horn: A rhinoceros-like monster that roams the grassy fields with energy. An attack from its powerful horn sends foes flying and unable to get up momentarily.
  • Gamegon: A giant turtle with the powers of a dragon. It spits out fire as an attack, and covers itself in its steel-like shell for protection.

Be sure to check out the latest screenshots in the media folder below...

Box art for Dragon Quest IX: Sentinels of the Starry Skies



Square Enix


Turn Based RPG



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