Nnooo to Pop DSiWare

By Jorge Ba-oh 15.03.2009

Nnooo to Pop DSiWare on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Australian studio Nnooo will be bringing their successful WiiWare debut, Pop, to Nintendo's DSiWare service.

Pop Plus: Solo will include features and modes from the WiiWare and iPhone/Touch versions, introducing adventure, challenges, two new bonus rounds and additional badges to collect.

Pop Plus: Solo takes the great foundation of past Pop games and adds some cool new features and modes. Adventure mode takes the existing bubble bursting framework and adds boss battles, a first for the series. As the player progresses through the game these bosses will make themselves known and make life a little harder.

The new Challenge mode will allow players to create their own custom challenges. Want to see if you can beat 'Wave 5' in two minutes? Or try to pop 5,000 bubbles on 'Wave 7' in sixty seconds? Create a custom challenge and find out. The two brand new modes, Adventure with its four boss battles and Challenges means that Pop Plus: Solo now features a total of eight modes and five bonus round types. We think this will be a compelling purchase for new Nintendo DSi owners.

Nic Watt, Creative Director, Nnooo.

For additional details, check out the official Pop Plus website.

Box art for Pop Plus: Solo








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