Recent comments from Capcom's US arm have revealed that the company has more plans to remix its classic fighting games of yore, with one in particular being singled out: Marvel vs. Capcom 2.
Whilst the main release so far has been the critically acclaimed Super Street Fighter II HD Remix on Xbox Live Arcade and PlayStation Network, which Capcom has stated would have been too large to fit on the WiiWare service with its size restrictions, the possibility of a scaled-back version was never discounted.
Christian Svensson, Vice President of Business Development and Strategic Planning has now confirmed that whilst "not every game needs it, the company is potentially going to apply the HD Remix treatment to other fighting games in its back catalogue".
"Are we done doing HD Remixes? No we're not done. But the next ones that we do will be even better, based on what we learned."I won't say [ Marvel vs. Capcom 2 ] doesn't need it. Marvel would be great to do. There's obviously a fan base for it. It's probably our most requested title. Unfortunately, I wish I had news to share on that front but I don't."
"I would never say never [ for a potential Marvel vs. Capcom 3 ] but I would say the barriers to doing that are much higher than the barriers for MvC2."
Would you like to see Marvel vs. Capcom 2 remade, possibly for Wii or WiiWare?