Activision to Strengthen Support for Wii

By Adam Riley 14.03.2009 7

Activision to Strengthen Support for Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Speaking in a recent interview, Activision Blizzard's CEO explained that the company may have underestimated Nintendo's Wii, but that is set to change. He also pointed out that their is a plan to buy back shares, acquire certain Intellectual Properties, as well as development teams to expand its portfolio - moves that can now be made thanks to a US$3 billion stockpile of money.

"There's probably more opportunity for our industry than just about any other industry I can think of other than maybe bankruptcy lawyers. The price on platforms today has still not gotten down to mass-market price points and I think when you're in the economic circumstances that the world has found itself in, there really is a difference between a $199 game system and a $299 game system."
- Activision Blizzard's Chief Executive Officer, Robert Kotick.

He also sees the potential for great growth overseas and via Nintendo's Wii platform:

"We're just scratching the surface of opportunity as a publisher in Europe. There's a lot more that we can do. In China and Korea, Blizzard has had great success but Activision products have not really had any success there.

"In the past we approached the Wii as an extension of what we were doing on PlayStation and the Xbox and I think we can do a better job of creating original content for the Wii, and I think you'll see more of that this year."

Activision Blizzard currently has three main new titles in the works for a 2009 release: 1st Person Shooter "Singularity," an action title called "Prototype", as well as a so far unnamed racer.

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Are those three games mentioned at the end coming to the Wii?

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

If none are considered for Wii, then Mr. Kotick should eat his words...

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Prototype is a PS3 exclusive. If you know about it the Wii just cannot handle what that game is planning to do.

I\'m guessing that the unnamed racer will be intended for Wii, since Singularity is going to PC/PS3/360 and Prototype is going to PS3. I hope it\'s good if I\'m rightSmilie

( Edited 15.03.2009 00:14 by J Tangle )

I would laugh if they bought World of world of warcraft to the Wii that would make me laugh! I doubt it though (thank god)
It's good that they are having a bigger stake in the games though, We might get something decent.

J Tangle said:
I'm guessing that the unnamed racer will be intended for Wii, since Singularity is going to PC/PS3/360 and Prototype is going to PS3. I hope it's good if I'm rightSmilie

Something tells me you're right...

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

"We're just scratching the surface of opportunity as a publisher in Europe. There's a lot more that we can do. In China and Korea, Blizzard has had great success but Activision products have not really had any success there."

Maybe because their games aside from a buy-in at Guitar Hero were crap at most?

"In the past we approached the Wii as an extension of what we were doing on PlayStation and the Xbox and I think we can do a better job of creating original content for the Wii, and I think you'll see more of that this year."

Does that mean another great batch of mini games and shovelware? I hear Ubisoft stomping at Activisions headquarters telling them to do the same as they do.
And EA doesn't have a great portfolio either for Wii aside from the great Boom Blox 2. Or have they?
At least I like EA a lot since Mirror's Edge and Dead Space. And some since their compatibility offer for Rock Band instruments - which was more or less declined by Activision.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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