New Excitebots: Trick Racing Details

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2009 7

New Excitebots: Trick Racing Details on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The latest issue of Nintendo Power has additional nuggets of info on Monster Games's wacky Excite Truck sequel, Excitebots.

The feature re-confirms online support for up to 6 players, including an online profile for tournaments with an unlocked icon of your choice, mini-games that open new routes/shortcuts and more.

  • D-pad used for continuous boosting, holding too long will cause overheating. Bots don't overheat as much as the trucks did.
  • More challenge modes compared to ExciteTruck.
  • 5 tracks must be completed in each of the four cups (Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum), tracks can be raced in any order. Requires B-rank overall to pass.
  • Existing ExciteTruck tracks return amongst the new ExciteBots titles. Locations include Kilimanjero, Egypt, Canada, China.
  • New items include a chomper mounth - fake teeth that grab an opponent.
  • Mini-games: Soccer goal kicks, darts, football field goals, pie throwing and more. Completing these unlock hidden items, including new shortcuts.
  • Online play for up to 6 players, offline split for 2, additional details TBC.
  • Red and yellow special bars require accurate timing/concentration to release your bot for added speed.
  • Unlockables include icons and vehicle statues that are showed in Wi-Fi profiles.
  • Techno soundtrack.
  • Thanks to Nintendo Everything.

    Box art for Excitebots: Trick Racing








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    European release date TBA   North America release date TBA   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date TBA   

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    2 player offline, not good but not bad. Online though? HOORAY!

    So what about SD music support?

    Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

    I loved Excitetruck so if this is anything similar to that I'm happy and it has online!! Smilie Good times!

    I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

    hooray! More info. Hopefully I get my NP issue soon. I'm in Florida so I get it later than many of the people online.

    what about network play ? D:

    "Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
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    Don't count on any wii game ever having lan play, nintendo dosn't want it.

    ^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

    edracon said:
    hooray! More info. Hopefully I get my NP issue soon. I'm in Florida so I get it later than many of the people online.

    Got mine eariler this week. Smilie

    Techno soundtrack *shudder*

    I hope it isn't a repeat of Excitetruck.

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