NIMF Not Happy with MadWorld Release

By Jorge Ba-oh 13.03.2009 15

NIMF Not Happy with MadWorld Release on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The National Institute on Media and the Family isn't happy with MadWorld on Wii, issuing a press release this morning.

The group feels Nintendo has "shed its 'family friendly'" reputation by granting a release for the bloody title on the Wii, and calls for Nintendo to "not lose sight of its initial audience". It's not the first time the group have spoke on gaming issues - the predictable inclusion of Grand Theft Audio and weirdly, Stubbs the Zombie, for supposedly promoting cannibalism, are two highlights.

The release of MadWorld for the Wii brings violent videogames to a once family-friendly platform. In MadWorld, gamers use the Wii Remote to make the necessary physical actions to chainsaw an opponent in half, impale an enemy with a signpost or decapitate a victim with a golf club. MadWorld is another reminder that parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play.

In the past, the Wii has successfully sold itself as being the gaming console for the entire family and a way to bring family-game nights back into people's living rooms. Unfortunately, Nintendo opened its doors to the violent videogame genre. The National Institute on Media and the Family hopes that Nintendo does not lose sight of its initial audience and continues to offer quality, family-friendly games.

Dr. David Walsh, president of the National Institute on Media and the Family.

Thanks to IGN, C3 reader Linkyshinks.

Surely catering for all includes those who enjoy gorier, bloody titles?

Box art for MadWorld








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They opened their door to violent videogames a LOOONG time ago. These people need to do their research^^

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Are these people blind?

The Wii is a games console, so therefore it should be able to have games no matter what content they have in them. Besides, it's not asif it's realistic violence, and, besides party games, puzzle games and some sports games, all games have some sort violence in them, Super Mario galaxy has you jumping on enemies heads as well as doing a spinning punch to KILL enemies.

Also, did these people miss the other gory games already on the Wii?

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Well if you're all up against stubbs zombie for fear of promoting cannibal stuff, you're not to be taken seriously anyways.

They've been blind indeed. And have not done their research. And probably fear the internets.

What about ManHunt2, No More Heroes, COD, RE:UC, RE4, HotD:OK, and that list is longer than that. Why are they blaming MadWorld?


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Stubbs the Zombie, for supposedly promoting cannibalism

Damn... I thought Jack Thompson was the last crazy in power. Seems like Wii gamers have their own Legion of Doom to deal with nowSmilie

Following up on edracon, RE4, MP3, RE: UC, Red Steel, & LoZ: TP have all sold well over a million copies and all can be considered violent "adult" games. In addition to this, CoD 5 & HotD 2 & 3 are close to a million copies sold (within a few thousand).

Like everyone else says, this is hardly the first bloody game on the Wii. Geez, No More Heroes has tons of blood flying all over the place (and looks cool while doing it).

Why does NIMF have to step out and try to create this us against them mentality with regards to the Wii? If they want to inform parents (who I believe should be informing themselves) about games, fine, but don't act as if Nintendo and the Wii should cater to them, b/c that simply makes them annoying and irrelevant.

Thanks to for the sales info.

I don't understand how these people live their lives!?!?

Do they go to work one day and then decide.. hmm who can I complain about today!!! Smilie

I see all these people insulting the Nintendo corporation because of the lack of mature content. Yet there is something about Nintendo (at least their games) that strikes a certain unadulterated feeling of joy!!!  Pokemon Y - 1048-9263-5562

Shame there's not a Wii anymore which raises your chilren for you. Now you have to care again what your kids do.
Cruel world.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Wow, that\'s true. When i got my copy yesterday the store clerk even looked at my mom saying you do know it\'s rated \"M\" right.

Hell, my mom was sitting there playing the game with me.

( Edited 13.03.2009 16:36 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

The release of Saving Private Ryan on DVD brings violent movies to a once family-friendly platform. Saving Private Ryan features prolonged violence with dismemberment, excessive blood splatter, exposed entrails, soldiers engulfed in flames and other disturbing images. Saving Private Ryan is another reminder that parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play.

In the past, DVD players have successfully sold themselves as being movie players for the entire family and a way to bring family-movie nights back into people\'s living rooms. Unfortunately, DreamWorks opened its doors to the violent movie genre. The National Institute on Media and the Family hopes that DreamWorks does not lose sight of its initial audience and continues to offer quality, family-friendly movies.

( Edited 13.03.2009 17:28 by BarryH )

BarryH said:
The release of Saving Private Ryan on DVD brings violent movies to a once family-friendly platform. Saving Private Ryan features prolonged violence with dismemberment, excessive blood splatter, exposed entrails, soldiers engulfed in flames and other disturbing images. Saving Private Ryan is another reminder that parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play.

In the past, DVD players have successfully sold themselves as being movie players for the entire family and a way to bring family-movie nights back into people's living rooms. Unfortunately, DreamWorks opened its doors to the violent movie genre. The National Institute on Media and the Family hopes that DreamWorks does not lose sight of its initial audience and continues to offer quality, family-friendly movies.

Smilie Smilie

All these organizations are plain ridiculous.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

MadWorld is another reminder that parents need to make sure they watch what their kids watch and play what their kids play.

I agree whole-heartedly.

In the past, the Wii has successfully sold itself as being the gaming console for the entire family.

To be a game console for the entire family you have to include the hormone crazy male teenager.

( Edited 13.03.2009 18:26 by Robertd1138 )

What I find interesting in all of this is that Manhunt 2 had to use visual filters on particularly nasty death sequences to get the "green light" for release. Madworld, on the other hand, is a game that is, from what I can see, entirely in black and white, with of course red.

It's interesting to me how a game that was not made to be realistic in terms of graphics is getting the attention of NIMF.

It's also interesting how they claim that the Wii is no longer a "family console" because of this game. Here is some logic for NIMF: when you say "family console", are you taking into account the teenage male brother in the family? Or perhaps ever consider that any "family member" might enjoy this game because the voice actor of the character "Bender" from "Futurama" is in it?

NIMF's idea of a "family-friendly" title on Wii is no doubt one of the many (and I do mean many) mini-game collection games. It's thinking like this that prevents any real innovation in the software that comes to Wii.

I for one embrace those developers out there who break away from the "Wii-mold" and bring us titles that aren't the same thing you already see on the shelves of Wii games.

Again, just a reminder, "family console" includes those family members who will want to play and/or own this game.

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It's a good thing these people have never heard of Mortal Kombat.

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