Capcom: Resident Evil 1, Zero (Wii) for US

By Jorge Ba-oh 12.03.2009 21

Capcom: Resident Evil 1, Zero (Wii) for US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have confirmed that the Resident Evil 1 and Zero will be heading to US Wii as part of a "Classics" range.

Both Resident Evil and Resident Evil: Zero will be making their way over, for newer audiences to experience the much-loved chapters in the Resident Evil story. Both have been retooled to work with the Wii remote and nunchuck, set at a value price of $29.99 (£19.99). Both will be available this year.

Capcom also confirmed a Western release for Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles, after its debut in Famitsu earlier this week.

We are very excited to be bringing the sequel to Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles to the Wii as it's the perfect fit for the platform. We are always looking for new ways to give Capcom fans a chance to experience our games. Umbrella Chronicles was a huge success for us, Resident Evil: The Darkside Chronicles includes a more in-depth co-op experience, and we are excited to bring this exclusive content to the Wii audience.

Mona Hamilton, vice president, marketing, Capcom Entertainment.

Box art for Resident Evil Archives: Resident Evil Zero








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The Bad developers:
Wow! Capcom has become a really lazy developer with regards to wii. Konami have dropped of the planet of the earth.

The Good
EA have stepped it up and embraced wii motion plus. Its in sports but Im a massive tennis fan so have been looking for the ultimate tennis experience.

Meh and meh, to both those REmakes.

The new UC looks better but only just. With Overkill now in my possession, I really doubt I will be looking to get yet another lightgun game. I also doubt it will be much better than the original.

Bundle them together and I might be interested.

I still need to complete RE Zero on GC...I don't have RE1 though, so I may well pick that up for Wii.

Dear Capcom:

UC2: colder...
New Control RE0: warmer...
New control RE1: warmer...

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

justonesp00lturn said:
UC2: colder...
New Control RE0: warmer...
New control RE1: warmer...

You're honestly saying you'd prefer a port of a Gamecube game to a new game (of any kind)?

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And he would prefer a watered down port to boot! He has taste.

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SuperLink said:
justonesp00lturn said:
UC2: colder...
New Control RE0: warmer...
New control RE1: warmer...

You're honestly saying you'd prefer a port of a Gamecube game to a new game (of any kind)?

Well, if the "new" game is a rail shooter and also a remake of an old game, then yeah, I think I would. Depends on which one I'd have more fun with. Darkside Chronicles and the new control remakes are about equally as "new." They're both just older games with a different control scheme, albeit Darkside Chronicles has updated graphics and probably some not-very-canon story moments. I loved RE and RE0, but they don't have much replay value because of the frustrating gameplay style. I can play RE4 over and over again. To be able to do that with RE1 and RE0 sounds pretty sweet, to me. I played Umbrella Chronicles once, and never really had much of a reason to play it again. It's not that exciting. At least with a game that isn't a rail shooter, there's a chance of things being mixed up a little bit. Rail shooter is pretty much the definition of "linear."

And he would prefer a watered down port to boot! He has taste.

I'm assuming you're referring to my support of Dead Rising. That has absolutely nothing to do with Resident Evil, and there's really no point at all in bringing it up here, except to be petty and immature.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

I'm right in thinking that the only change in RE and RE0 is that you can now aim with the Wii remote, right? As for gameplay and camera and such, it is exactly the same though.

samus_boy said:
I'm right in thinking that the only change in RE and RE0 is that you can now aim with the Wii remote, right? As for gameplay and camera and such, it is exactly the same though.

Yep, and there is no proper widescreen option. It just adds black bars to either side to make it a 4:3 ratio.

Hmm I was gonna buy zero and re1 for gamecube, but I might as well buy em for wii instead Smilie

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samus_boy said:
I'm right in thinking that the only change in RE and RE0 is that you can now aim with the Wii remote, right? As for gameplay and camera and such, it is exactly the same though.

I thought it was over-the shoulder. Makes sense that it isn't, though. Still, the ability to actually aim for the head is a well-welcomed addition, compared to pressing up and making me think I'm pointing my gun at the ceiling.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

And so begins, what I like to call, resi port wave! Smilie

Finally, some marginally good news from Capcom. Of course, if I had actually decided to buy RE0 and 1 a couple weeks ago at Gamestop, I'd be cursing out Capcom even more. As is, I'm glad I'll get a chance to play them without having to find a new Gamecube memory card.

Would be much better as a bundled disc imo - 1,2,3,Zero,CV on a single/dual layered disc with Wii controls would be fab.

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I\'m assuming you\'re referring to my support of Dead Rising. That has absolutely nothing to do with Resident Evil, and there\'s really no point at all in bringing it up here, except to be petty and immature.

No i was referring to

UC2: colder...
New Control RE0: warmer...
New control RE1: warmer...

That came across to me at least you wanted RE5 on the wii for some reason.

( Edited 13.03.2009 14:16 by Mario_0 )

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Why assume RE5 on the Wii would be watered down? You really believe the "Wii can't load RE5's title screen" bullshit?
I played the demo many times and I played the game for a few hours today. It really doesn't look much better than RE4. Biggest difference is the lighting and lighting effects. And the Wii is a lot more powerful than the Gamecube. If the GC can churn out RE4, then the Wii can handle RE5. hell, put it on two discs, and I bet it would run identically. When Capcom says they can't put RE5 on the Wii, they're either a. too lazy or b. lying to make it a "surprise" and get more money later.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

If RE5 was on the Wii I wouldn\'t get it simply because the 360/PS3 one would be better.
Unless it had a very large substantial changes ( like diffrent areas or following a diffrent charchter)A RE5 just wouldn\'t do anything for me and a large amount of other people probably feel the same way, time would be better spent on an original title imo.

( Edited 13.03.2009 23:50 by Mario_0 )

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Maybe if you have a PS3 or 360 available to you. Not everyone does. And I don't know what Internet you're using, but the outcry for RE5 on the Wii is enormous. Yeah, an original game would be great, too. But getting RE6 on the Wii sort of destroys the continuity, if you have no idea what happened during RE5.
So far, every single major title in the series has been ported so that audiences can enjoy the game on their platforms, the most notable exception being a lack of RE4 on the original Xbox. To think that RE5 is a waste of time is just naive. To think that it can't be done is, as well. A lot of people said the same exact things about porting RE4 to the PS2. And Capcom did that and exceded expectations.

This all being said, an orignal game (a non-rail shooter, specifically) would also be very good. RE5 is fun, but the survival part of it is almost entirely absent. It's stepping more toward the realm of games like Gears of War. I'd like a re-imagining of the series, focusing more on the survival horror aspects.

When you think about it, every game so far has involved an isolated incident. Even RE2 and RE3 took place in a single city, and we were incredibly restricted on what we could do. Imagine taking the Plagas or T-Virus to a more global scale... to a far more open environment. Maybe a true citywide experience. And doing this with RE4-style engine. That would be totally amazing.

NNID: crackedthesky
My blog, mostly about writing:

The only way I'd buy these is if Capcom gave them the same treatment they gave Dead Rising... Or would that be a bad thing?

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

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