Sega Displays MadWorld Wii Decal Design

By Jorge Ba-oh 10.03.2009 7

Sega Displays MadWorld Wii Decal Design on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have donned a decal design for Wii owners to celebrate the release of MadWorld by slapping Jack on their consoles.

The European branch will be giving away these exclusive packs in competitions coming up in the next few weeks.

Image for Sega Displays MadWorld Wii Decal Design
Image for Sega Displays MadWorld Wii Decal Design
Image for Sega Displays MadWorld Wii Decal Design
Box art for MadWorld








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You get the stickers. You think they look great and put them one. Air Bubbles. Two weeks later you realise it looks crap. You take the stickers off. Sticky stuff left on Wii.

Angus said:
You get the stickers. You think they look great and put them one. Air Bubbles. Two weeks later you realise it looks crap. You take the stickers off. Sticky stuff left on Wii.

LOL! I think they might look great, and I'm not even the stickery type Smilie

You're right though Smilie

thats why you should be careful putting them on, these look Smilie

Lol, quite like the black skull decal, defo don't like the red blood on th efront!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

These deacals should be desined not to leave sticky on the console. I had some DS ones and they didn't leave any residue whatsoever, just use a credit card to put it on to reduce air bubbles, simple.

I want these, they look so god damn orgasmic!

damn, i wish i had 2 wii's...cuz my wii right now is lookin BEAST with the NES skin.

-make it count- Hey if you wanna play Wii Games with me, check out my game portion of my profile and pm me if you wanna add me so I can add you!

You could always get the sticky stuff off with white spirits.

-Have you any idea what it's like to be a Fembot living in a Manbot's Manputer's world?

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