Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.03.2009 10

Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Art and design concepts from a beta version of Ubisoft's sequel to Wii shooter Red Steel have emerged.

According to Unseen 64 Ubisoft had been working on a prototype for the game up until October 2007, where it was scraped for a different approach - the result of which is due out sometime in 2009.

Image for Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts
Image for Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts
Image for Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts
Image for Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts
Image for Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts
Image for Red Steel 2 Beta Artwork, Concepts

More pieces can be found in the album below and at Unseen64.

Box art for Red Steel 2





First Person Shooter



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (184 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date None   Australian release date Out now   

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i was very public about my fanship for this game. i wasn't terribly annoyed by the cursor mysteriously moving up n on it's own at times, i knew how to conquer that.

the game wasn't too bad at all. i hope they tighten the sword play and add some bonus content to make it have a high replay value.

(holding the wii mote as a cell phone was cool, when it happened, like 3 times.) lol

-make it count- Hey if you wanna play Wii Games with me, check out my game portion of my profile and pm me if you wanna add me so I can add you!

The main thing I hope that improves is control and enemy design - the rest, level layout, art direction etc was pretty solid. Just hope they make remote less flaky.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I really enjoyed Red Steel, got it at launch. The Wii STILL lacks a wide range of FPSs, which is bloody surprising considering how well suited the Wiimote is for them. So I'll probably get this. I even enjoyed the swordplay in the original, so if they've spruced it up in this, even better. Smilie

I liked the first, the controls worked fairly well and the graphics weren't bad for a launch game. There were a few glitches, but overall a very solid game.

I think the artwork looks similar to the first, maybe the levels could be a bit brighter and better designed than the first, well, the best one was the one with the rabbits controlled by the mad man.

And the voice acting should be in japanese, with subtitles, it'll be alot better that was and we wont here, get that F***ing gaijin every 2 minutes.

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For a second, I was shocked to see nin10do back! Smilie

But its a different dude.

Anyhow, I'm cautiously optimistic about this one. I think most people felt there was a good game underneath, it just needed more development time. Hopefully they get it down right this time.

I`ll pre-order this game. I really loved the concept of the first game and the effects. Loved the mobile phone thing on wiimote. Wiimote rightly suited for this game to the core, graphics, sword game. Come on!!!!!!!!!!!

i really enjoyed the first! if they fix all the old problems and add online play its worth checking out

Montreal didnt make the first, paris did. Smilie

/pm' jb =-<

Aki-T spilt the water.

TaoFire said:
Montreal didnt make the first, paris did. Smilie

/pm' jb =-<

Cheers - not quite sure where I got that info!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

jb said:
The main thing I hope that improves is control and enemy design - the rest, level layout, art direction etc was pretty solid. Just hope they make remote less flaky.

Exactly my opinion. I actually liked the style from Steele 1 very much. it had a lot of it. Please deepen it and brush up the things jb mentioned and boost up presentation. I think then we have a great game at hand here... holding my thumbs for it.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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