A Boy and His Blob - First Screens, Videos

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.03.2009 8

A Boy and His Blob - First Screens, Videos on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Majesco have conjured up the first screens from WayForward's reimagining of NES classic A Boy and His Blob.

The new take on the series follows a similar story, where an evil emperor has taken over planet Blobonia, and a young blob encounters a boy when it arrives on earth. The blob can transform into many useful objects like ladders, trampoline, cannon, shield etc, by munching on jelly beans.

There'll be 40 levels and hidden areas/unlockables to find as the pair head towards the Emperor's Citadel.

When a boy and his blob first appeared in 1989, it captured the imagination of gamers everywhere with its heartwarming storyline and unique gameplay. Twenty years later, we are proud to bring an updated - yet still charming - reimagining of this beloved title to a new generation of Wii players.

Gui Karyo, Executive Vice President of Operations, Majesco Entertainment.

Image for A Boy and His Blob - First Screens, Videos

Image for A Boy and His Blob - First Screens, Videos

Image for A Boy and His Blob - First Screens, Videos

Image for A Boy and His Blob - First Screens, Videos

The game is due out for release this fall, be sure to look through the album below for more stunning screenshots.

Update: First videos of the game in action:

Box art for A Boy and His Blob





2D Platformer



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10

Reader Score

Rated $score out of 10  9/10 (7 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date TBA   Australian release date Out now   

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Looks fantastic, definitely wanna see this in motion!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

SmilieHoly shit Now that's how you update a game from the NES. The 3rd screen really looks like what they wanted the 1st level in the original to look like. I can't wait to it in motion. I hope that the blob can eat jellybeans off the ground, because wasting jellybeans is no funSmilie

Seeing this makes me want to see someone try River City Ransom(or Monster Party) on a home console. Especially since the GBA version of RCR lacked co-op.Smilie

Really like the graphics, but won't the gameplay feel a little outdated? Ah who knows.

Looks like one to keep an eye on at least.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

I remember the original game never gave you hints to what the jelly beans did. That was a part of the fun. It would have been cool if they could of done something like the Phantom Hourglass and let you write notes on what each bean does. Also, is this a WiiWare title?

Robertd1138 said:
Also, is this a WiiWare title?

Nope, it's a disc release. I hope it's a budget one though, 'cos unlike WarioLand I'm not sure if a remade NES game is worth £35.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks great and fun too! But I wonder if this shouldn't be a WiiWare title instead...

Love the graphics, but as a disc release this is silly.

It dosnt even do anything new or special.
The blob would have been a great to shape with the wiimote to solve puzzles, but its just purely digital controlls. They should have looked at Gish or Soul Bubbles for inspiration.

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