Nintendo Items in Phantasy Star Zero

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.03.2009 9

Nintendo Items in Phantasy Star Zero on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A couple of special weapons in Phantasy Star Zero come with a nice lick of Nintendo paint, including a warp-pipe rocket!

There's also a blaster arm cannon from Nintendo's blonde babe, Samus Aran of Metroid fame. It's not currently known how these are unlocked, but they do look mighty funky!

Thanks to GoNintendo.

Box art for Phantasy Star Zero





Real Time RPG



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Fuck! SEGA does love Nintendo!

And, christ those graphics are just fantastic, I can't believe the DS is putting those out...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

That's cool and the game's looking pretty good.
I haven't brought a DS game since FFIV and I still haven't completed it. I'm thinking of getting this though, just very short on money.

SuperLink said:
Fuck! SEGA does love Nintendo!

And, christ those graphics are just fantastic, I can't believe the DS is putting those out...

Defo, does look mighty fine I must say!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

lol im geting this

no master sword?

Wow, i wonder if Sega and Nintendo might actually come together. Hell with Sega\'s \"mature\" titles and Nintendo\'s \"Casual\" titles they might end up to be the best in the business.

O forgot to add, well theres your answer for a Nintendo Exclusive title.

( Edited 04.03.2009 23:35 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out


Meh, another minor reason why i'm getting this!

It requires great courage to look at oneself honestly, and forge one's own path.

Wow, this was actually allowed by the big N? Wolvesgod may be on to something...

Shame this wont be out before winter, but i'm willing to wait, i have far too much DS games to play right now, and then there are the other titles that i continue to buy for under £10 at Gamestation. Depending on how things go for the DS this year (and if that preowned copy of Custom Robo Arena and Advance Wars: Days of Ruin are still in GStation) i predict this will probably be my... 30th DS game, or around that. Looks like i'm gonna need another rack...

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

That's too AWESOME!!!

Lol pipe launcher Smilie

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