More Jake Hunter Heading to DS in US

By Adam Riley 23.02.2009 1

More Jake Hunter Heading to DS in US on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Following the disappointment of the way the first Jake Hunter was handled in the US, Aksys is set to make amends with the release of the second Jake Hunter for the Nintendo DS. Fans were disappointed that the first game was missing content from the original Japanese edition when Aksys Games brought it to the US last year, yet Nintendo Power has confirmed all the wrongs are to be righted this time round.

A More Effective Detective Jake Hunter returns to DS with all-new cases and enhanced old ones.

"It's not often that a publisher is able to listen to customer feedback on a game that missed the mark and give it a second chance at success, but that's exactly what's happening with the adventures of Aksys Games' no-nonsense detective Jake Hunter. Scheduled for release in the second quarter of 2009, Jake Hunter Detective Story: Memories of the Past features not only three new point-and-click crime-solving episodes (including one that lets you play as three characters with differing perspectives), but all three episodes from the game's 2008 predecessor, Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles. The three returning cases are just simple re-releases; they've received a completely new translation, which should provide the game world and its characters with some much-needed personality, atmosphere, and humor.

"'The original release of Jake Hunter was more of a straight translation, which left it sounding a little flat', says Memories of the Past editor Ben Bateman. 'In the localization of Memories of the Past, we've made an effort to imbue Jake and company with a little more personality and flavor. We've taken the idea of an atmospheric noir detective story and run with it as best we can.' In addition to all six full episodes, Jake Hunter Detective Story includes unlockable "Jake Hunter Unleashed!" chibi-style comics and other bonus content.

Did any readers pick up the first Jake Hunter? If so, do you feel cheated that this sequel will not only include the first game's content, but with a re-written script?

Box art for Jake Hunter: Detective Chronicles








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An adventure game on the DS that I haven't heard of before. Boy, the first game must have really sucked.

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