New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?

By Adam Riley 21.02.2009 58

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?

Nintendo has already released two games from its 'New Play Control!' range in Japan, with both GameCube versions of Donkey Kong: Jungle Beat, Mario Power Tennis and Pikmin (reviewed here) not only being re-released on Wii, but coming complete with various changes to make them more appealing for the new wider audience that Nintendo has so far attracted. Other games due to launch under this revamped range in the coming months are Pikmin 2, Chibi-robo! and the two Metroid Prime games from Retro Studios. But what other GameCube classics should be added to the roster and how could they be modified for Wii? The Cubed3 team sat down and mulled over some of the prime contenders, including a few gems from publishers other than Nintendo...

Adam Riley :: Senior Editor

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
Eternal Darkness (Nintendo / Silicon Knights)

Silicon Knights and Nintendo's joint venture is still talked about today as being on of the best GameCube titles out there, and one of the most psychologically disturbing experiences, full stop, with numerous clever ideas mixed in to fool gamers into thinking they were going crazy. Other than using the Nunchuk for controlling Alex Roivas's movement through the gripping adventure, the fighting elements could take an over-the-shoulder viewpoint with pointer controls for shooting, as seen in RE4: Wii Edition. In terms of new scares or confusing elements to tie in with the game's innovative Sanity Meter feature, the developer could feed strange messages to the player via the Wii Remote's speaker - creepy whispering or cries of anguish that would send a chill down their spine, or footsteps coming from behind, yet upon turning round there is nothing there. Additionally, if Alex becomes stunned by a monster, her movements could become sluggish, only returning to normal by shaking both the Remote and Nunchuk, as if literally shrugging off the daze. This is a key title that needs a second chance, if only to garner enough interest to spur on the development of its long-in-the-planning sequel, and a Wii revamp seems ideal.

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
killer7 (Capcom / Grasshopper Manufacture)

Goichi Suda and the team at Grasshopper Manufacture came blasting into the mainstream public eye thanks to killer7, a dark, warped journey that made up part of the now illustrious 'Capcom 5' line-up on GameCube. One particular element that made the game so atmospheric was its use of sound effects and haunting voices, all of which could be emitted from the Wii Remote speaker for increased effect. Since many saw the gameplay of killer7 as being akin to that of a traditional point-and-click adventure on a PC anyway, the obvious change would be to include pointer controls throughout, helping to make it far easier than before to guide the killer7 group around the impressively stylised and gruesome locations, carrying out their disturbing practices all in the name of the US Government that wants to bring down the evil Heaven Smile organisation. Also, targeting of enemies always seemed like something out of an on-rail shooter such as House of the Dead, so again the Wii Remote would be a perfect match for the slaughtering aspect of proceedings. All-in-all, if Capcom fails to resurrect killer7 on Wii it would most definitely be a huge opportunity missed!

Jorge Baoh :: Founder of C3

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Nintendo)

This one definitely has lots of potential for a good old Wii Remote revamp, and a great game to support the controls. With Zelda's transition into waggles and pointing in Twilight Princess, the poor hero received mixed reviews from fans. Most loved the ability to literally swipe at enemies or the pinpoint bow aiming. Granted, it is not quite the same as brandishing a real meaty sword or feeling the strain from a bow, but it definitely showed how this approach could be tweaked to improve the Wind Waker experience. The obvious application would be the sword and shield, bow, and so on, yet you can also find some less useful, but possibly equally as fun, things to do: moving the Wind Waker around, a Twilight Princess-inspired menu system, picking up and throwing items - the list goes on. Coupled with the Nunchuck for movement, defence and Z-targeting, you would have a fresh experience for what is arguably still a true classic.

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
Super Mario Sunshine (Nintendo)

Nintendo seems to love to point and squirt at things, and have toyed with the idea in a couple of games - from a Super Mario Sunshine parody in WarioWare to a handful of mini-games in Mario's latest 'Party' outing. What can a Wii Remote do to enhance the Sunshine, though? Squirt! Aim with the Wii Remote and blast jets of water, up, down, side-to-side - the freedom to aim and move with what could be a more natural control set-up would definitely enhance the experience. The plumber's latest escapade saw him blast into space with the Wii Remote/Nunchuk combination, and it all worked exceedingly well - moving was fluid, jumping was easy, and the whole pointing and moving around aspects proved to be exceedingly effortless. It may have looked odd, and seemed harder than if it had convention controls, but what Galaxy proved is that Sunshine can most definitely be rejuvenated and given a second chance to 'Wow' those who failed to appreciate its brilliance back in 2002.

James Temperton :: Deputy Editor

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
Luigi's Mansion (Nintendo)

I extolled the virtues of this title from the second I played it numerous years ago, and I will keep extolling until the cows come home. It was the perfect demonstration of what the GameCube was capable of and it can be the perfect 'New Play Control!' title too. It just seems too obvious to ignore. The Wii Remote would obviously be the torch/vacuum and you would shake the Nunchuk around to suck more or less furiously, depending on what is required at the time. Pulling the Wii Remote back sharply to swing ghosts around and pull them undoubtedly sounds like it would be great fun. Nintendo could even perhaps go as far as adding in an online element for Top Scores and leader-boards that show off who has collected the most in-game coins.

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
1080 Avalanche (Nintendo / NST)

Admittedly the GameCube version was not quite up to the standard of the N64 original, but NST's creation is still crying out for a new lease of life via the Wii's 'New Play Control!' range. The decent reviews that Shaun White Snowboarding: Road Trip saw recently is surely reason enough for Nintendo to crack this one out, complete with Balance Board-related shenanigans. There is not much more to say on the matter, really. Simply lean left, right, lean, backwards, all the while having loads of cheesy 1080-related thrills and spills. Oh, and a better multiplayer would not go amiss either...

Mike Mason :: Reviews Editor

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest (Nintendo / Saru Brunei)

Cubivore is an interesting one. There is not really too much you could do with Cubivore. The game is based around evolution and climbing up the food chain - accurately portrayed by the protagonist doing nothing but eating, fighting and mating (not on-screen and not all at the same time, obviously!). Nintendo could bump up the rather basic visuals, throw in a couple of online battle modes, plus include a few extra touches such as Wii Remote speaker functionality for growls. However, more than likely it would be a case of not making significant alterations, unless Nintendo decided to perhaps switch the attack button with a flick of the Wii Remote; although this may not be such a favourable idea. No, the reason this has been picked is simply because Nintendo never supported it on a worldwide basis, leave Atlus to give it a limited US release, whilst it never had a chance to shine in Europe the first time round. That should be reason enough as it is hilarious, intelligent and plays very well to boot!

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
Yoot Saito's Odama (Nintendo / Vivarium)

Quirky little Odama did not do massively well as a GameCube title due to it arriving very late in the system's lifespan. Yet creator Yoot Saito (who came up with the idea of the Wii Remote's speaker) has already expressed interest in a potential Wii version, showing off a prototype at the Japanese Media Arts festival a couple of years back. In the prototype, microphone controls had been replaced with the Wii Remote's pointer, which whilst sure to make the game more accessible, why not include both methods of input? The encouragement feature that was dropped from the first game involved other players beating on Donkey Konga Bongos, so why not re-implement this feature into the game, utilising the Wii Speak deviced so that those watching can cheer you on? The Nunchuk and Wii Remote's trigger/shoulder button combination is simply ideal for pinball mechanics as well, as shown in the Gottlieb Pinball Classics game on Wii.

Karn Bianco :: Previews Editor

Image for New Play Control! - What GameCube Games Should Return on Wii?
Star Wars Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II (Nintendo / Factor 5)

As a launch title for the GameCube, Rogue Leader was received extremely well by both fans and critics alike. The game's stunning visuals and audio can still hold their own against modern Wii games, despite being more than seven years old. Additionally, the action-packed combat would truly shine with a Wii Remote-centric control scheme for pinpoint laser-firing accuracy. In fact, why stop at Rogue Leader? Rebel Strike may not have been as successful as its predecessor, but bundle the two together, along with a Virtual Console release for Rogue Squadron, and you have got a meaty Star Wars package that many would find hard to resist. The odds may be slimmer than ever following the talk of Factor 5's closure, but the possibilities are certainly intriguing.

Matt Evans :: General Writer

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Geist (Nintendo / n-Space)

Not quite sure went wrong with this game. Was it that the GameCube could not handle the gameplay engine? Was it the not-so-perfect controls, or was the concept a little too different but did not have the backing of the Metroid franchise to save it? Well it does not matter because the game was good and had potential, potential that could be realised by the Wii. Imagine playing it with the First-Person Shooter controls tightened to suit the Wii Remote, similar to how Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. Consider for a moment being able to manipulate that dog bowl with the accuracy afforded by the Wii MotionPlus sensors. Ponder over being able to scare guards and doctors by creeping up behind them in ghost form and gently breathing or whispering into the Wii Speak peripheral...Okay that may sound rather disturbing and creepy, but it is still an idea that could help edge Geist towards the brilliance initially hinted at when still in the early stages of development. Most Wii owners are going to have more than one controller and with Wi-Fi support you could not ask for a better multiplayer platform to release it on. And above all it is a proper mature game, and would sit nicely next to the likes of House of the Dead: Overkill, MadWorld and The Conduit.

As you can see from the above, there are definitely many different classic games that would be ideal for the New Play Control! series, yet there were so many others that crossed our minds. For example, how about the duo of The Legends of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles? They could definitely work very well, using the DS-Wii wireless link-up play instead of hooking lots of GBA systems to the GameCube. Cubivore was brought up due to its lack of support in the West, but what about GiFTPiA, the quirky communication RPG that Skip Ltd released in Japan before working on Chibi-robo!, and was planned for a US/PAL release for years before finally being quietly shelved. Or maybe Chunsoft's Japanese-only online RPG experience 'Homeland' could be given a new lease of life using the Wi-Fi network. Then there is Burnout 2, which still holds up as being one of the strongest entries in Criterion racing series and would definitely benefit from the Wii Wheel and motion sensing for steering. European RPG fans that missed out on the superb Baten Kaitos Origins could see that and its predecessor return, perhaps with a flick of the Wii Remote shooting off cards during battle, Donkey Konga's bongo antics could be substituted for various shakes of the Wii Remote and Nunchuk, and Kururin Squash's spinning puzzle gameplay seems made to fit the motion controls of the Wii Remote. Finally, Treasure's Ikaruga cannot be forgotten about either.

What would you like to see arrive on the New Play Control! range? Let us know your thoughts on the ideas above, as well as on other titles we may have overlooked...

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Ohhh I was just thinking about how they should add new controls to Zelda Wind Waker couple days ago, it would be brilliant actually, im sure they can pull it off. Smilie

( Edited 20.02.2009 23:46 by Irfy )

Excellent list! Every game listed are ones I would\'ve chosen, and then some. Smilie

Rogue Leader made the list, but not Rebel Strike? That\'s insanity! Smilie

( Edited 21.02.2009 00:07 by MechaG2 )

Chance favors the prepared mind.

I wanna see metal gear too Smilie . Agree with the list though.

Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest

Never heard of it, is it any good?

i think paper mario: ttyd would work excellent on wii. think about motion controlled action command Smilie

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

I saw my copy of Geist today and thought about this exact subject. Luigi's Mansion would be a great game for this treatment as well.

Predictable list, though i agree with most.

Nobody has shared my thoughts thus far, but the one title i wish to see most is The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventures.
I was so compelled by the thought once that i rooted out my copy for the GC to see if it could work with Wii controls, and i think it'd work just great.
D pad for the formations.
B button for attack.
A button for items.
+ for the pause menu.
Nunchuck control stick for movement.
C button on Nunchuck to bring up the formation list.
Z button on Nunchuck to lift rocks etc.
Waggling the Nunchuck to put the Link's on standby while you control just one, waggling again could change which Link you control, and a simple click of Z will bring them back together.
Maybe these aren't the perfect controls, but something along these lines could work. I can imagine it now "A giant bomb has appeared on screen, escape to your DS!" and that you would, with wireless connectivity with the DS, it'd be so much easier to do multiplayer co-op, implementing both screens this time. And Wi-fi Shadow Battle could be done and... ok now I'm just getting too excited.Smilie

Still, whether they make a new one or bring FSA to NPC!, i would so buy that first day.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I think Donkey Konga would be a good one too (as you mentioned in the closing bit, Adam) Whilst the GC one was good, it didn't work too well in multiplayer as your slaps and claps got picked up by the mic in the other bongos. On the Wii it could have a new lease of life and maybe some less terribly dubbed music...

Oh and Burnout 2 was (and still is) one of my favourite racing games of all time, so that'd be nice...can't see it happening though!

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

removing all the blue/red coins removing all the repeated bosses/quests. Adding new bosses/levels + 60 fps + shoot and run = mario sunshine > mario galaxy.

Too good to be true though.. too good to be true..

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

IxisNaugus said:
Still, whether they make a new one or bring FSA to NPC!, i would so buy that first day.

Chances are that we'll see a new Four Swords on Wiiware, it's a perfect fit for the service. Smilie

I think Sunshine and Wind Waker are definitely gonna hit the re-releases this year, Nintendo wouldn't be Nintendo if that doesn't happen! The rest I would put down as a maybe, and Geist a little higher than maybe.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looking at the initial line-up, Nintendo's picking the most obvious choices, so I'd say Luigi's Mansion will be a 2009 release. 1080 would be ideal for the Balance Board as well.

I wonder if 3rd Party games will be allowed?

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Nice list, apparently, Wind Waker had two temples missing from early development. If they could add those in I think it could definately be worth re-buying.

Games i'd like to see.

Wave Race: Bluestorm
Starfox Adventures/Assault
F-Zero GX

I doubt Starfox Adventure nor F-Zero GX would happen though.

Stulaw said:
Nice list, apparently, Wind Waker had two temples missing from early development. If they could add those in I think it could definately be worth re-buying.

Games i\'d like to see.

Wave Race: Bluestorm
Starfox Adventures/Assault
F-Zero GX

I doubt Starfox Adventure nor F-Zero GX would happen though.

Would definitely like to see the two omitted Wind Waker dungeons included in a Wiimake, as well as a little less triforce shard huting. The last 2 dungeons were fantastic, some of the best dungeon designs to date.

I wonder if 3rd Party games will be allowed?

Hopefully Nintendo will be pushing for these - wonder how it\'d work with sales and stuff though

( Edited 21.02.2009 13:08 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Great List, I agree with all those there. I reckon 4 swords should be there too with a follow up on Wiiware that connects to the DS/DSi for certain features. I would add some more, I would like to see some 3rd party GC games there too if companies felt like it. Turok evolution (with severe work on gfx PLZ), PN03, Reign of Fire (yes I liked that game) and all Nintendo made games lol.

( Edited 21.02.2009 13:23 by Andrezao )

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
I wanna see metal gear too Smilie . Agree with the list though.

Cubivore: Survival of the Fittest

Never heard of it, is it any good?

It's brilliant. Smilie The gameplay is straight forward but it's good. A very funny game as well.


bring on the Super mario!!!!!!SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Four Swords wouldn't be so a good game for the Play On series as the Wiimote controls would ruin it in my opinion.

Prehaps a release on Wiiware or even on the DS with local and net play.

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

Just give me Eternal Darkness and I wouldnt care about not getting anything else Smilie

Special Wii sanity effects would be nice too.


Also, its almost certain any dungeon ideas left out from TWW went into TP, so it would be duplication to add them back into TWW.

Remember also, it wasnt that the dungoens were in the game then removed, it was they never had time to make them for release. They removed where they went, but they dont have them finnished then decided not to have them. I dont care what Nintendo claims for PR reasons, but they arnt THAT stupid.
(TWW was criminaly short on substance compared to Zeldas before or after, it was not a deliberate choice by Nintendo, but one of nessitity due to the failing gamecube)

\"Four Swords wouldn\'t be so a good game for the Play On series as the Wiimote controls would ruin it in my opinion.\"

The Wiimote would add nothing, but I dont think it would take away much either.

However, A new FourSwords game using DS<>Wii comminication would be fantastic.

( Edited 21.02.2009 16:05 by Darkflame ) <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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The Wind Waker needs wiimote wand action! Smilie

Super Mario Sunshine would be great also as it's my favourite out of the 3D Marios. Ya hear that Nintendo? It's MY favourite so get working on it. Smilie

I will love to see luigi's mansion 2 or even a port i loved that game. Maybe even the Eternal Darkness with super mario sunshine.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Geist is a good one. I loved it too a point but a few of the glitches killed it such as bots not respawing after a certain amount of time on multiplayer, they would just drift round.
The videos on that also I think inspired Portal (the change in voice and the wrong phrases) the graphics where brillint but ocasionally it would seem a little samey. Great game though just a few bug fixes ans It would be brilliant to play again.

I think they need to bring back Viewtiful Joe. Those games where magnificent, maybe find a way of encorporating the film powers into motion based actions or something?

Timesplitters 3 (even though its EA) with revamped controls and a good online!

Definitely a good list of games, although I feel that they should stay away from sports games like 1080 Avalanche or Mario Tennis. Those would be better served with a new version with features like Balance Board support or online play.

The best candidates for NPC will be adventure / action games that you would love to play over like Luigi's Mansion, Pikmin, Metroid, Zelda, etc.

I disagree with all of thoseSmilie

I'd be massively disappointed if these or any others were to be developed, and I think it's massively unlikely that they will. There's thousands of old games that might have one or two ideas that would lend themselves to Wiimote implementation, but does that mean that entire back-catalogues should be plundered and rereleased?

I'm all for the ones they've said are coming - they have control schemes where the Wiimote will fundamentally improve the experience - but rereleasing Wind Waker just for a few wind-based gestures? Please tell me you guys are struggling for article inspiration and don't really believe this stuffSmilie

I don't like to be negative, but these are bad ideas and you shouldn't put things like this in third-parties' heads.

Less posty, more gamey.

I'm not going to extol the virtues of the NPC titles, but I wouldn't complain too much if SOME of those titles up on the list hit the Wii. The main one for me would be Luigi's Mansion. Obviously in an ideal world Nintendo wouldn't like money so much and would build a new game from the ground up, but in these credit-crunchy times I guess not. I agree with your 'I find this all very depressing' sentiment, but c'est la via.

Trying to think of a witty signature after 'Hacker-gate'...

dartmonkey said:
I disagree with all of thoseSmilie
fundamentally improve the experience -

How would Giests expirence *not* improve by Metroid Style controlls?

How would Lugia's mansion not benifit from proper aiming too?

Granted a lot on those list would be more re-releases to give the games a second chance with a larger audience(Eternal Darkness), but theres a few there that would also hugely benifit from sensor bar based controll. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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