Matsuno-san Returns on MadWorld Wii Project

By Adam Riley 18.02.2009 6

Matsuno-san Returns on MadWorld Wii Project on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

The whereabouts of Yasumi Matsuno has been a massive point of speculation since his departure from the Final Fantasy XII project on PlayStation 2 due to medical issues, and his eventual parting of ways with Square Enix altogether.  However, despite all signs pointing towards Matsuno-san being snapped up by Nintendo and hearsay stating he may well have teamed up with Monolith Soft, makers of Baten Kaitos and Soma Bringer, for the Wii game he is working on, he has finally turned up amongst the triple-A team of Platinum Games.  In a new update over on Gamespot, the following has been revealed:

The story unfolds as you play, revealing some surprising layers and plot twists that keep things interesting. While Jack is participating in Death Watch, you come to discover that he has a different agenda than the other participants. One special point of interest is that MadWorld's story was developed with help from Yasumi Matsuno (the game designer behind Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy XII), who, it turns out, was chosen by his friend Atsushi Inaba of Platinum to work on the game's scenarios. Given all the experience at Platinum, as well as the experience that Matsuno brings to the table, we're anxious to see how this craziness is going to play out.

Be sure to check out Cubed³'s hands-on preview of MadWorld to see exactly why you should be excited about it...

Box art for MadWorld








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Okay. NOW I'm interested in MadWorld.

Me too! Any doubts I had about the game have just fizzled away because of the RPG fan-boy inside me (I don't mean there's a young boy inside me, as that would be paedophilic and wrong... SmilieSmilie )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

Last place I expected him to show up, but I think this should alleviate any doubts that it'll be pure gore. It is a game about killing primarily, no doubt, but we have been led to believe there's some plot behind it (they've been very shady with just why Jack is in Death Watch) and with Matsuno on board I'm sure there'll be more story than meets the eye.

Quite surprised a person like him ended up with a game like Madworld, very interesting. Can't wait to play MadWorld now.

Hey just to clarify, platinum games is made of some of the veterans of Clover Studios, right?

Yup, as well as RE creator Shinji Mikami.

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

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