Nintendo DSi US Date, Official Site

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.02.2009 11

Nintendo DSi US Date, Official Site on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has answered recent rumours by confirming an April release for the DSi in North America.

The system will be available from April 5th 2009, a recommended price of $169.99 (£120) and will come in two different colours: blue and black. Players can use the included camera to take snaps, record sounds and listen to music and of course play through the huge catalogue of over 850 DS titles.

Ever since the arrival of the first Game Boy, consumers worldwide have turned to Nintendo for their portable gaming. Nintendo DSi builds on Nintendo’s commitment to bringing fun and creative entertainment to everyone, and will allow consumers to personalize and share their very own experiences.

Cammie Dunaway, Nintendo of America’s executive vice president of Sales & Marketing.

Nintendo also noted that Rhythm Heaven DS will join the April 5th line-up, bringing gesture based music manipulation to the portable.

Image for Nintendo DSi US Date, Official Site

Image for Nintendo DSi US Date, Official Site

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Just in Time!!! I just found out that my Black DS is dead. I have been using my wife's pink one.

Hmm - so, so on the price (though probably works out at a traditional £99 due to the change in conversion recently), but I can see it selling for £120.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Ok, I'll trade my white DS Lite for a black DSi in July. Looking forward to it since by then several DSWare games will be available for download.

The price is just right since the DSi ups the processing power of the current Lite and adds the cameras, the SD slot and the on-board memory.

Personally, Things get more expensive when they come to the UK sometimes, I wouldn't be surprised if it came closer to £150

Anything over £120 would be a rip off considering Xbox 360's are £130. Also I wonder why they aren't releasing it in white, that's weird?

Awesome! Finally. lol I can't wait to pick one up. Smilie Bummed about there not being a white version available on launch day, though. Smilie

Chance favors the prepared mind.

Yeah, too expensive. Shouldn't have been more than $150.

Oh my gawrsh! I am getting this! I want it so badly! SmilieSmilieSmilieSmilie

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

L said:
Anything over £120 would be a rip off considering Xbox 360\'s are £130. Also I wonder why they aren\'t releasing it in white, that\'s weird?

Exactly, but this is Nintendo, and they know they can pump up the price a little - I can definitely seeing it being £100 minimum, and £120 tops.

I\'d eat my hat if it\'s below £90. Eat with with mustard!

( Edited 18.02.2009 21:51 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

I want the blue one instead of black and white. Damn US...

I just posted in the news post about this.

Let me pull it up:-

"And the fact its costing £150 in the UK.. thats £20 more than a 360 Arcade. I think £120 would of been the best price point.

EDIT: Wait let me just check something:

DSi US Price: $169.99 - Converts to: £118.38

Where did they pull £150 from? Getting screwed over again.."

Thats so typical when technology comes to the UK. And why did they opted to not release the white in the US? Personally thats easily the best colour of the three.

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