MadWorld Sequel a Possibility

By Jorge Ba-oh 18.02.2009 9

MadWorld Sequel a Possibility on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

MadWorld could see a sequel if there's a lot of interest in its Wii debut, according to developer Platinum Games.

The comic-book action game has had a lot of postive and some negative feedback from gamers and the press, and is generally looking to be one of the more successful third party games for the system. The studio isn't ruling out a sequel if it sells well, so grab those pennies folks.

Platinum Games has several rights so we'll be developing something new after this, but if there is a lot of interest in MadWorld then maybe we will make another one.

MadWorld Producer Atsushi Inaba of Platinum Games

Thanks to Kotaku.

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Different characters with other mad abilities would be cool ^^

... just like no more heroes.

I'm definitely pre-ordering mine. But like the viewtiful joe games, the first was the best imo. The character switching, for instance, made the bit of 'arcade/cruisin'action-like' feel disappear.

Well, part one will rock no matter what. Here comes the madness Smilie

Despite Clover/Platinum making such original games, they do love the idea or sequels don't they? Even for a game like Okami a sequel was planned.

It's just a shame that Crapcom are too stuck up to make sequels of awesome game (Okami) and popular series (VJ).

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A game that makes lots of money might get a sequel?

Stone me Rodney, even a Millwall fan could've worked that one out.

Less posty, more gamey.

I just hope they don't pull a "Pirates" and release it too soon after the first one.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I would wager that they would do sequels like Silent Hill does... Virtually unrelated characters and plots. Just vaguely bound by location or secondary character or something.

I sure hope it sells well and doesn't do a No More Heroes...but then again that game is getting a sequel but I'm thinking Capcom has bigger expectations than Grasshopper.

fcc (guest) 15.05.2010#8

This game is the best I have ever played,so I realy want it to have a big sequil ... and some new characters.

WingmanVWXYZ (guest) 06.06.2010#9

Double the blood, action, violence, weapons and ways to murder your opponents, and this game will be No. 1 on my DeathWatch Christmas List.
I'm looking forward to it.

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