Ubisoft Updates European Wii/DS Release Dates

By Adam Riley 10.02.2009 15

Ubisoft Updates European Wii/DS Release Dates on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Ubisoft's UK arm has today sent Cubed3 its updated list of Wii and Nintendo DS releases for the European market, showing off Grey's Anatomy, Broken Sword and Tenchu, amongst several other filler titles, clearly aimed at the casual demographic that has been lapping up thing like the Imagine series for ages now. Of note, as well, is that the publisher will be bringing the PSP edition of Tenchu 4 to Europe on the same day as that Wii date below, unlike in Japan where the Wii game has been out for a long time now, whilst the PSP iteration has yet to be released.

Check out the list below:

  • Petz: Monkey Madness (Wii) - 13/02/09
  • Petz: My Kitten Family (DS) - 13/02/09
  • Petz: My Monkey Family (DS) - 13/02/09
  • Rogue Trooper (Wii) - 20/02/09
  • Imagine Ballet Dancer (DS) - 27/02/09
  • Sam Power: Footballer (DS) - 06/03/09
  • Grey's Anatomy (DS) - 13/03/09
  • Grey's Anatomy (Wii) - 13/03/09
  • Petz: My Baby Panda (DS) - 20/03/09
  • Scrabble 2009 (DS) - 20/03/09
  • Imagine: My Restaurant (DS) - 27/03/09
  • Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut (Wii) - 27/03/09
  • Broken Sword: Shadow of the Templars - The Director's Cut (DS) - 27/03/09
  • Imagine: Doctor (DS) - 27/03/09
  • World Sports Party (Wii) - 27/03/09
  • Tenchu: Shadow Assassins (Wii) - 03/04/09
  • My Happy Kitchen (DS) - Q2 2009
Are any readers looking forward to games on this above list?

Box art for Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
Also known as

Tenchu 4









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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (7 Votes)

European release date Out now   North America release date Out now   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date Out now   

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Good god. So...much...wank!

Wow, this is awful. I can't believe I'm still surprised by these too.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Wow. How could there be this many crappy games coming out on DS and Wii?

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Ubisoft sure know how to up the level of crap. Smilie

Monkey madness? Smilie

Sounds like a money machine for Ubi Smilie

Aki-T spilt the water.

Some good releases in there, but Ubisoft only act as publisher for those.

Stop the fucking Petz franchise - just make one god damn game and release it yearly if need be.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

\"Rogue Trooper (Wii) - 20/02/09\"

hu? Is this a port of the Gamecube one ?
Or is someone having another stab at 2000AD IP\'s?

\"Stop the fucking Petz franchise - just make one god damn game and release it yearly if need be.\"

They would make more money too, rather then spreading it out over 20 titles and wasteing shelf space and making them near impossible to advertise, have one solid core game *THAT LETS YOU HAVE ANY PET*.

Ubisoft arnt going to get repeat sales of any of their crapware.
Oddly enough, they might just be making a hole in the market for a \"generic pet game\".
Purhapes a \"Sim\" brand game will end up clearing up this ubisoft mess. Or maybe even something based on \"Creatures\".
Ubisoft are being very short sitted.

( Edited 10.02.2009 17:23 by Darkflame )

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I fucking hate Ubisoft so much. Look at this list, just look at it. This is complete foolishness, its eye watering. It's even worse that i was in Gamestation today, and i had to dig my way through Ubisoft and THQ's crap before i found something decent.

It's not even as if Ubisoft make good games, they don't, they suck. They completely suck.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

Darkflame said:

"Stop the fucking Petz franchise - just make one god damn game and release it yearly if need be."

They would make more money too, rather then spreading it out over 20 titles and wasteing shelf space and making them near impossible to advertise, have one solid core game *THAT LETS YOU HAVE ANY PET*.

No.. they'd make alot less.

Their target market for the 'petz' games are the younger audience.. who see a new pet game and think ''OH MUM BUY ME THAT ONE.''

If they made a similar series for the 16+ or so age group and tried this tactic, i'd agree. But no.

It's not even as if Ubisoft make good games, they don't, they suck. They completely suck.

Ugh.. Im not a huge ubi fan.. but thats a silly thing to say..

Far cry
Assassins creed
Rainbow six
Brothers in Arms
Prince of persia
Original Rayman series (Not these bullcrap minigames)
Splinter cell
Ghost Recon

etc. They do make good games, they're just smart enough from a business perspective to somewhat milk the casual market (As with the games on the OP's list..)

Aki-T spilt the water.

Ugh.. Im not a huge ubi fan.. but thats a silly thing to say..

Far cry
Assassins creed
Rainbow six
Brothers in Arms
Prince of persia
Original Rayman series (Not these bullcrap minigames)
Splinter cell
Ghost Recon

etc. They do make good games, they're just smart enough from a business perspective to somewhat milk the casual market (As with the games on the OP's list..)

Those games are decent, but nothing special. PoP isn't that good, not bad but not great, Rainbow Six is good i admit, Assassins Creed isn't that great, Far Cry sucks. The rest are ok, but outclassed by other series. They need to stop Petz, Imagine, and all this other bullcrap. My Happy Kitchen? NTY

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

IxisNaugus said:
Ugh.. Im not a huge ubi fan.. but thats a silly thing to say..

Far cry
Assassins creed
Rainbow six
Brothers in Arms
Prince of persia
Original Rayman series (Not these bullcrap minigames)
Splinter cell
Ghost Recon

etc. They do make good games, they're just smart enough from a business perspective to somewhat milk the casual market (As with the games on the OP's list..)

Those games are decent, but nothing special. PoP isn't that good, not bad but not great, Rainbow Six is good i admit, Assassins Creed isn't that great, Far Cry sucks. The rest are ok, but outclassed by other series. They need to stop Petz, Imagine, and all this other bullcrap. My Happy Kitchen? NTY

Assassins creed was credited for being one of the bigger risks of the year, financially. Petz hasa franchise has sold 22 million copies, why stop that? Far cry was fantastic, 2 i havent played. Original POP series was great, new one looks decent and splinter cell is probably the best stealth franchise next to MGS.

People also need to remember theres more than one production company inside ubisoft.. Montreal, paris, etc. Montreal being the ones who basically churn out above average games 90% of the time. (AC, RS, POP, GR etc)

Other parts of the company chern out the casual boring stuff that is petz, new rayman, red steel etc.

Aki-T spilt the water.

People also need to remember theres more than one production company inside ubisoft.. Montreal, paris, etc. Montreal being the ones who basically churn out above average games 90% of the time. (AC, RS, POP, GR etc)

I forgot about this actually. The best games come from Ubisoft Montreal. Ubisoft just steal all the credit. Why don't those guys make some good games for Wii/DS, instead of leaving us with the shit stuff.

Petz hasa franchise has sold 22 million copies, why stop that?

Because it's shit.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

Shit and makes them a bloody shit load of cash.

No point in stopping a franchise that makes you a lot of money.

Montreal churn out consistently good games, really pisses me off when people just put them in with half of the other shite sectors of ubi.

Aki-T spilt the water.

Montreal churn out consistently good games, really pisses me off when people just put them in with half of the other shite sectors of ubi.

Well maybe if they didn't make the shit in the first place the greater games would stand out a bit more, huh.

Bowser. You Booz, you lose.

I actually found some Wii games here I'm interested in. But they only publish these. *g*

It's a lot more difficult to make money with great games then with shit. I won't buy a Petz game, but it's okay they exist. But only as long as they don't pull Wii in the dirt and prevent good games from being made, too. And they did exactly that for several months.

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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