MadWorld Comic Con Trailer, Cam Footage

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.02.2009 7

MadWorld Comic Con Trailer, Cam Footage on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Sega have revealed new footage and cam gameplay from it's action packed Wii booth at this year's Comic Con New York.

The publisher has taken the convention by storm with a foursome of Wii exclusives, one of which is the Platinum Games project, MadWorld. Players can be seen grinding their chainsaw into enemies, impaling, chopping and gouging in comic style.

Box art for MadWorld








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Rated $score out of 10  9/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (23 Votes)

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good to get some game play looking nice but this is a side event i think so hope the bad guys dont just wait for you all time to toss them into a press i dont think they will

Great to see some direct feed gameplay - do hope the ai gets tougher to beat. Loving the style. Definitely needs some serious promotion - and by Sega going this, it's a great start!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

It looks awesome. I think they have the AI switched down so that people can enjoy trying out different moves and combos.

Linkyshinks said:
It looks awesome. I think they have the AI switched down so that people can enjoy trying out different moves and combos.

Yeh, They did say that at one point, Its to allow people to get a feel for the game.

I wonder if there are any combos that involve 2 or more enemies....

Wow it looks great.
I wonder if you can buy any upgrades with the points you get maybe to increase chainsaw time or even special moves.

( Edited 07.02.2009 14:47 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

It does look really good, and it looks like it wont be too straining on the eyes either.

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I had no idea the chain saw was retractable until just now!... Very Wolverine... ish.

I sold my soul to Sony for a PS3...

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