Bleach: The 3rd Phantom US Bound?

By Jorge Ba-oh 07.02.2009 5

Bleach: The 3rd Phantom US Bound? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

A retailer listing suggests that SEGA's Bleach spin-off, Bleach: The 3rd Phantom is heading to the US.

Given the previous bleach DS titles had made it over fine, it would have been likely for the latest - however The 3rd Phantom isn't your conventional animé brawler, but a strategy RPG instead - so its localisation could be a risk for Sega. That said, Gamestop's catalogue includes the title for release in September 2009 - nothing official yet, but it's a likely one.

Thanks to Siliconera.

Box art for Bleach: The 3rd Phantom

Tom Create







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This would be awesome. i didnt get it cos rpg's are text heavy and i cant read kanji

I was so disappointed when I heard that this was an rpg, considering that the second game was the best fighting game on the DS.

L said:
I was so disappointed when I heard that this was an rpg, considering that the second game was the best fighting game on the DS.

O_o Better than Jump Ultimate Stars? I find that hard to believe...I've got the first good, but not amazing.

I'd be more tempted to get this than another fighting game. A Bleach RPG sounds cool. Smilie

Competively it was better then Jump because Jump is really broken in some places. Bleach is kinda like Street Fighter, the person with the most skill wins. Smilie

L said:
Competively it was better then Jump because Jump is really broken in some places. Bleach is kinda like Street Fighter, the person with the most skill wins. Smilie

I have both and I still prefer Jump, Jump just feels more fun. There is alot of skill involved in both games. I would compare Bleach Ds 2nd to something like a cross between soulcaliber and SF. It takes a little getting used to. Its good competively but it gets boring compared to jump. Maily due to the fact of the lack of variety, levels ect its all flat Smilie
Read my review Smilie

( Edited 08.02.2009 17:02 by Echoes221 )

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