Eduardo Toasts a New WiiWare Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2009 4

Eduardo Toasts a New WiiWare Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Fancy an unusual looking side-scroller for Wii? Grab a slice of Eduardo the Samurai Toaster as he toasts things.

The unique game at its core is a run and gun shooter - whizz about 13 unique levels as this ickle toaster and pop some sizzling hot bread at your foes. It's in development by Semnat Studios, and is due for release sometime this year from the looks of things.

Box art for Eduardo the Samurai Toaster








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It\'s all cool, looks like a 2D flash game though (although that\'s probably the point). I hope that those 13 levels last atleast about 3 hours. A samurai Toaster named eduardo, who\'d have thought of it.

Any news on pricepoint?

( Edited 05.02.2009 17:26 by Stulaw )

I think it looks awesome, a little bizarre. Great distinctive art style, and if that music is any reflection of the tracks in the game, that's great also.

Think Eduardo will get a co-op title with the Ninja Bread Man?

Hahaha this is going to be absolute GOLD! GOTY imo.

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