Sleeping Pikachu Festival 2009 Merchandise

By Jorge Ba-oh 05.02.2009 5

Sleeping Pikachu Festival 2009 Merchandise on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Nintendo has revealed some goodies visitors to the Sleeping Pikachu Festival can pick up this weekend.

The festival seems to celebrate exactly what it says: sleeping Pikachu. From a neat little mug donning the yellow rat, to plushies, figures and Pikachu themed crackers. There's even a food container with some kinda lubricant.. oh dear.

He does look adorable, but the question to ask is... why?

Image for Sleeping Pikachu Festival 2009 Merchandise

Thanks to All Games Beta.

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Why indeed, but I totally agree, he does look cute.

It would definately be a hit with the girls.

I wonder if there'll be a special edition sleeping Pikachu card.

Aww <3 This has win written all over it.


If I was Japanese or Wapanese I'd say something like KAWAII DESUUU but I'm not so I won't.

I will however concede this merchandise is moderately cute.

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They should have a blood thirsty Pikachu festival too, I'll buy that merchandise. Smilie

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