EA CEO: Wii to Get 'half our emphasis'

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2009 8

EA CEO: Wii to Get

EA CEO John Riccitiello hopes the company will perform better on Wii, to provide "half our emphasis".

Unfortunately EA recently reported losses in its fiscal third quarter 2009, and to help rejuvenate the company, there'll be a greater emphasis placed on Wii this year, with at least half the titles in production to be for Nintendo's Wii, a significant improvement from last year. "Nintendo is the leader; they're getting half our emphasis in terms of title counts."

There'll be a new tennis franchise on the way to take advantage of the audience's "fascination with fitness", and a few core franchises for traditional gamers - the first of which being Dead Space Wii.

Riccitiello hopes to "rival Nintendo on its own platform" and "get noticed [on Wii] in ways that no other third party will."

With EA now joining Sega's initiative to boost quality on the Wii, hopefully other well known names will also jump on board to revive the tarnished "Nintendo Seal of Quality". Thanks to Gamasutra.

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Maybe they have the power to reverse the trends of casual(ty)?

Let's hope so. Although good marketeers, they do have the potential to create more than shovelware. Let's hope they'll actually create quality content soon.

A tennis franchise doesn't appear to be a good start to me though Smilie...

If half means "half the budget" then about time! Smilie

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Yup, hopefully (it'll take alot of time though) the seal of quality will actually mean something with games again.

I'm glad EA are following Sega's initiative, it'll show over developers and publisher's what they are missing out on and what they really should be doing, making quality games whatever audience they appeal to, then hopefully the balance between good and bad games will be right again.

O dang it makes me proud to hear people do that, dang i remember That almost all NES games were top quality games. Also! didn\'t EA say that when the Wii was released they are going to make \"Nintendo quality\" games. on the Wii.

(Sorry had to fix a few offensive words)

( Edited 04.02.2009 23:59 by Wolvesgod )

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Is this not the 4th Sign of the Apocalypse?

"..and third party juggernauts shall rain down sloth upon thee and mire the console in incomplete and untested software." - Marius 3:47

satsubatsu347 said:
Is this not the 4th Sign of the Apocalypse?

"..and third party juggernauts shall rain down sloth upon thee and mire the console in incomplete and untested software." - Marius 3:47

Is that real??? really that's scary... wow...

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Also! didn't EA say that when the Wii was released they are going to make "Nintendo quality" games. on the Wii.

Think that was ubisoftSmilie

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Riccitiello hopes to "rival Nintendo on its own platform" and "get noticed [on Wii] in ways that no other third party will."

I hope he does!

It's a shame, that a lot of great EA games were doing poor. The great Mirror's Edge for Example or other attempts to do more then cheap old games in new clothes like NfS.
I hope they put a lot of effort into it but I know, that it takes more then a cicle of games to improve not only quality, but to change planned games into something more core and good. Thankfully EA had some great casual titles, too. Like My Sims and Boom Blox. I want to support all the companies, that omprove quality of Wii titles, so I want to buy these games. I will buy The Conduit, thinking it is good. I will consider buying Dead Space, even if I know it may be better on PS3, of which i will buy one shortly.

I think Wii will do extremely good if companies either make more exclusives or if people chose the Wii version of a game rather then PS3 or X360 (that's difficult, I know, rather impossible!).

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

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