Sega Gets 8-bit Boner Over Wii

By Jorge Ba-oh 04.02.2009 6

Sega Gets 8-bit  Boner Over Wii on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

An image has popped up confirming how Sega's 8-bit homage, Pole's Big Adventure, includes sexual references.

The WiiWare game has been rated "B" in Japan, suitable for those ages 12 and up. According to GAF, once players eat a mushroom something large, and possibly a little sticky, pops out from their pants.

Image for Sega Gets 8-bit  Boner Over Wii

Pole's Big Adventure indeed!

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Smilie power up? this game looking funny from what i see it

This game just gets better and better (from a humour perspective).

Can't wait to see the finished product.


Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

He's got a jolly out of being hit up with a mushrooom.

LMAO! i can't wait to see this in America.

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