DSi Specific Homebrew on the Way

By Jorge Ba-oh 01.02.2009 14

DSi Specific Homebrew on the Way on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Under the DSi's slimmer tin is a native mode with better processing and ram, according to homebrew buffs.

According to those trying to work with the DSi, the console has two modes, "native" and "compatibility". The first is for DSi-specific processing, with more RAM and a better clock speed. When playing regular DS titles, it shifts into compatibility mode, slowed down to half the speed and the new peripherals (camera, SD) disabled. The extra power goes into image processing/face recognition as an example.

With downloadable DS titles only being accessible using DSi, can we begin to see retail-specific DSi games coming about (much like the GBC-only selection).

Thanks to NeoGAF.

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I find this VERY interesting indeed. Remember Super Mario Bros. Deluxe and Zelda: Link's Awakening DX? We could eventually see DS games that have extras included that only open up when playing via a DSi! Smilie

( Edited 06.01.2013 06:46 by Guest )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

I think Nintendo need to be careful, here. There's a lot of DS owners that would be totally alienated by 'DSi-only' software.

( Edited 06.01.2013 06:46 by Guest )

Martin_ said:
I think Nintendo need to be careful, here. There's a lot of DS owners that would be totally alienated by 'DSi-only' software.

Defo - they need to keep it slow, gradually building up the DSi. IMO they really should have waited and launched the true "DS2" sometime in the next couple years with better features.

( Edited 11.12.2012 22:09 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

The DSi is like a stop-gap machine, similar to the Game Boy Colour...which is why I reckon DS games with added DSi features could be the way to go.

( Edited 11.12.2012 22:09 by Guest )

Adam Riley [ Director :: Cubed3 ]

UNITE714: Weekly Prayers | Bible Verses

That's true, but then that would still be highly annoying for millions upon millions of people. The original Game Boy was released in 1989, and had been around for the best part of a decade when the Game Boy Color was released in 1998. 9 years. The DS has only been around for four and a half years. So while I can see what you're saying, I think Nintendo are making a mistake here, and they might have been better off just leaving these features for the DS' successor. The DS Lite is as good as the console needs to be.

To be honest I don't see a major problem. Whilst Nintendo may introduce one or two exclusive games to try and convert people, I can't see them doing it for their biggest titles, and I can't see 3rd parties doing it either. The DS has a much much bigger userbase that obviously includes every DSi owner as well. Making a game exclusively for the DSi is basically shooting yourself in the foot in terms of potential sales.

A few bonus features on games may well crop up as jesusraz suggests. In my opinion that would be a nice feature that would benefit pretty much everyone, or at least not put current DS users off buying the game.

There are other things to consider. For example, new DS buyers. I'm in a position at the moment where I can quite comfortably buy a DS, like it was a packet of peanuts. However, I haven't bought one yet, as I'm rather confused over this whole "DSi" situation. Do I get the DS Lite, or the DSi? Do I want to be able to play my GBA games on my DS but alienate myself from any exclusive DSi features in games, or potential whole games altogether? Or do I want access to new features/games, but not be able to play my GBA collection on my DS?

If there was no DSi, I'd probably have a DS already. So Nintendo have technically 'lost' a sale. No big deal for them, I suppose. The second thing is that the DSi may steal some of the thunder from the DS' eventual true-successor. The DS2 may appear less-amazing to those with a DSi. Admittedly, these are arguably minor things, but they add up. The DS is not in the same place that the Game Boy was when it recieved a feature-upgrade like this. The Game Boy had been around for 9 years.

Ultimately the DSi does create some confusion. I think they (or we) would be better off if they just let the DS run as is it for another few years, and then release a proper successor. There's no grey area, then. It's not even like the 360 situation. The Elite 360 still does everything the Arcade 360 does. The DSi loses features the DS Lite has, in order to make room for the upgrades. This is a confusing situation.

I think they (or we) would be better off if they just let the DS run as is it for another few years, and then release a proper successor. There's no grey area, then. It's not even like the 360 situation. The Elite 360 still does everything the Arcade 360 does. The DSi loses features the DS Lite has, in order to make room for the upgrades. This is a confusing situation.

Agreed, they should have just let the DS run its course, without removing things and adding other (mostly pointless) things.

Martin, I strongly suggest you keep your GBA, playing GBA games on a DS sucks quite personally.

Unless you'll want to be playing Pokémon or Guitar Hero, or one of the few games with crappy rumble pack, you have no reason to get a DS or DSL.

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I thought those augmented reality and real time image manipulation looked a bit too good for the standard DS processors.

I'm still skepetical there will be actualy DSi specific games though.
(at least, any that dont use the camera)

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I was right when it came to the DSi being more powerful!

Cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, cool, and COOL!

Super Duper Ultra Fun Time!

Hmmmmm..... this will absolutely confuse the average Joe on the streets.

"Oh cool, a DS Lite. Wait, what's this? No Items. Fox only. Final Destination."

But, to be serious here, I do feel what you guys are talking about. This takes the "hype" away from the DS2 (If that's what they're going to call it Smilie ). Now, in later years, it'll be just like this:

"Oh look. A DS2. It's all right, though. I already have 3 DSs, so I'm covered.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

I think that this is a waist of time. Simply becasue the DS was suppoesd to be console purly for games and nothing else. If this comes out in this country then Nintendo will be making a very big gamble.

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