RUMOUR: Kid Icarus Wii Model?

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 01.02.2009 13

RUMOUR: Kid Icarus Wii Model? on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Despite Factor 5 being supposedly closed for good, rumours had circulated that they live on. As stated before, NeoGAF user Falafelkid has said Factor 5 aren't closed as people had thought, and now an "in progress" model from an unnanounced Wii game has popped up. Here it is in all its.. uhm, glory.

Image for RUMOUR: Kid Icarus Wii Model?

For many Nintendo fans following the rumours, a quick guess may suggest that this is from Factor 5's infamous secret Kid Icarus project. The reliability of the image must be put into question, but could we be looking at a generic redesign of good ol' Pit? Express your views on the everlasting rumours below...

Thanks to GoNintendo

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Icarus! Icarus! Icarus!

*clicks news title*


Smilie Smilie

Nuff said Smilie

( Edited 01.02.2009 13:32 by jb )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

More like Shitacus.

I hope that pic is dubious...

I'm not liking that redesign.
I really hope that's not it if anything's going on back there behind Nintendo's intensely opaque veil of secrecy.

It's not bad, but I'd rather they used a 'slightly' altered version of the Brawl model personally.

Still, I hope factor 5 are still making it. They're the right people for it imo.

Hurray! Kid Alias! That picture looks like it's going to saw through my laptop display!

That's why some things are better to leave it for Nintendo to do it. Gah I knew it would end up bad if Factor 5 got it's hands on it. Here's hoping it's BS. We need the Zelda team on this, even the Celda team would make it awesome. Of course, after they get some time to do so.

I'd rather wait than get Icarus looking like this.

What's with the 80s haircut?

Now he's ginger?
I prefered the emo version..... Smilie

Looks like a very bad fake to me Smilie

I think that it will be a remake of the first one on nes.

SuperYoshi6 PSN name
3DS friend code 2878-9581-8999

Terrible. The haircut and clothes remind me of some 80's movie.

if they were really making an kid icarus, i cant picture pit being different from what he looks like on brawl. but i hope his nut drop and doesn't have that stupid voice like in brawl.

Mario, Mega Man and Rayman FTW!!!

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