FFCC: Crystal Bearers Returns, New Trailer

By Jorge Ba-oh 28.01.2009 12

FFCC: Crystal Bearers Returns, New Trailer on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Square Enix have finally revealed footage from the much anticipated Wii RPG, Final Fantasy CC: The Crystal Bearers.

As promised, the new trailer was included in the Wii version of Echoes of Time. The game was first announced to the public way back in E3 2005, and since then has grown a strong following from the minute-long early development video the following year. With Square-Enix looking to focus on Echoes of Time (publicly anyway), fans had grown weary that it could have been cancelled.

But fear not! It's alive and well, and looks like it'll give your arm a good workout... So sit back, relax and enjoy this latest snippet into the future world of Crystal Chronicles.

Box art for Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers

Square Enix


Square Enix


Real Time RPG



C3 Score

Rated $score out of 10  8/10

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Rated $score out of 10  8/10 (1 Votes)

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Yeah! Smilie

I feared it was not going to be made, with so little news on it.

It reminds me of FFXII a little.

( Edited 11.04.2013 18:32 by Guest )

The combat system looks promising, it reminds of Eclipse, a HL2 mod. Hopefully the physics will support this type of gameplay. Looks good. Smilie

( Edited 31.12.2012 16:45 by Guest )

Ahar Smilie

It does remind me of FFXII too. I hope the battle system isn't tedious or anything, it looks like Square are actually trying pretty hard with this one!

( Edited 31.12.2012 16:45 by Guest )

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Looks pretty good! A little shoddy in places, but still a fantastic looking game for Wii. The fighting mechanic looks promising - just hope there'll be a lot of depth with this one, it's been in development for years (presumably).

( Edited 31.12.2012 16:45 by Guest )

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

Looks pretty damn good, I've been looking forward to this game for a while now Smilie

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Pampa o_O ? This game looks actually more like a Final Fantasy game than almost any Final Fantasy game lately except for the old ones remakes.

ME WANT ! love the atmosphere too.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

I'm guessing this game isn't going to have 4 player co-op?Smilie It looks good though.

L said:
I'm guessing this game isn't going to have 4 player co-op?Smilie It looks good though.

Definitely my biggest worry. It's not FFCC without CoOp...

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

OMG why isn't the video loading!?!?!? Smilie

God likes to torture me in the cruelist of ways. Smilie

about time all i have to say ^^

here youtube one if it not working for you

( Edited 28.01.2009 18:15 by Jump_button )

Jump_button said:
here youtube one if it not working for you

Thanks jump! Smilie

I love the music in this trailer. (from 1minute onwards) Smilie

The graphics look amazing. Smilie

Is nice to finally see other races aswell. Lovin the style of this game.

game looks finish, so we getting yet an other great wii game for 2009. good stuff.SmilieSmilieSmilie


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