Red Steel 2 Accidentally Confirmed by Ubisoft

By Jorge Ba-oh 23.01.2009 24

Red Steel 2 Accidentally Confirmed by Ubisoft on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Yves Guillemots, Ubisoft CEO, accidentally confirmed a sequel to Red Steel 2 for fiscal year 2009-2010.

A second entry in the franchise has always been expected, and even publically discussed by Ubisoft, but when we'd be seeing sword and gunplay again was unknown. It seems like a sequel's definitely on the way though, and soon too.

Wii Fanboy reports that Guillemots announced that "We have lots of products coming for the Wii next [fiscal] year. We have Red Steel..." Before pausing and apologising for the slip.

With that in mind it's safe to confirm that a sequel poke, slash and stab its way into stores during the next fiscal year.

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Awesome. Was obviously gonna come. I'm quite looking forward to it, I really enjoyed the first one. And Motion Plus could make all the difference. Smilie Hopefully the glitchiness of the first one can be put down to being rushed for launch. Smilie

Smilie As if Babyz and Dogz Fashion was bad enough. Ubisoft just get worse and worse all the time. One lifetime isn't long enough to boycott them.

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Tidy this one up nicely please Crapisoft, and please, make MotionPlus ur fwend!

From what I've heard the original was decent but a bit rough around the edges/rushed. Hopefully they'll take there time a bit more with this one and the results will reflect it.

First one was glitchy as hell as well. Remember playing with my mates and I could always kill them when they were in the vent on the resturant level cause you can throw grenades right through it lol

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I thought the first Red Steel was a pretty decent game. Hope this one exceeds it. Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Keven said:
I thought the first Red Steel was a pretty decent game. Hope this one exceeds it. Smilie

For a lunch (EDIT Launch) titles it was good. The only thing that bugged me was the fucking sword controls they pissed me off, resulting in my wiimotes first scratches. Smilie

( Edited 24.01.2009 01:29 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

Smilie what a jack ass

Birdo Is A Tranny said:
For a lunch titles it was.

A lunch title? Smilie

Now that's a good game!

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

This game has potential to becaome an A+ title, the first one was a good laugh 4 players.

I actually liked Red Steel... A lot. It had it's problems, but it was still a fun game Smilie

Interested to see how this one turns out.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Ubisoft fuck up in more ways than one, it seems.

I actually liked Red Steel, though, like all the others\'ve said; It DEFINITELY had its flaws.

A sequel with better bug-checking (had to reset the game a few times because of events just not triggering), better gunplay/swordplay, and ofcourse better, more refined graphics will be welcomed by me.

And I prefer the cutscenes NOT to be 2D. For me, on a home-console, it just screams \"CHEAP MUTHAFUCKA\" to do pure 2D-cutscenes. I had the same problem with Sonic and the Secret Rings (though it\'s far from my only one). If it really was meant to be in storybook fashion, they could\'ve just made an actual 3D book with 2D stuff popping up out of it closer to or farther away from the screen, creating perspective and stuff.. But yeah, that would\'ve asked for a bit more effort^^

( Edited 23.01.2009 05:51 by Faust D. Stroyer )

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

I thought the cutscenes were stylish... I liked the art of the game a lot, even graphics were good enough to make it one of the best looking realistic titles on Wii till today.

I liked the game, too. But honestly, the sword controls where not good. Shooting was better and until the factory I enjoyed playing it.

I hope they inlude Motion Plus and fix the bugs. They can shape Red Steel 1 into an emerald, everything was there, even rough, that's true.

And wow, I am glad the mistake confirming it happened to the chief and not to a small indian being fired for confirming it.
But Ubisoft has a lot to fix for me. They only produce crappy titles or don't convert the good ones for Wii (Prince of Persia 4). So this better be good. Already Ubisoft are the new SEGA for me and Sega are heroes with great games coming along!

I find your lack of faith disturbing!

Meh, thew first was a shocker of game, if you can call it that. Terribly designed. I have played PC games with less bugs and glitches. The voice acting was sickeningly crude, and the gameplay was on par with that. I have no hope for this game at all seeing as though it\'s gone to Ubi Crap Paris, yet again. It should have gone to the Shanghai team that knows what they are doing.

I expect more crap design and gameplay from this game. The whole swordplay thing is destined to be rubbish even with Motion +. It\'s simply a bad idea [.]

( Edited 23.01.2009 09:41 by Linkyshinks )

Oh thats cool, I really liked the first one, and on my first play through (all the way to the end) I didn't have any problems with the sword fights,, par one with with the first time you face tokal, the door didn't open and I was somehow stuck in it, and i found that if you actually point at the screen and do the motions they work a heck of alot better. The only other complaint about the story mode is the incredibly bad script and voice acting, i'd have prefered it in japanese with subtitles.

The multiplayer was fun, but it definately was more glitchy than the story mode. I had the 'hand of death' from throwing a grenade, and my brother was uncontrollably spinning around (his character not him).

So, motion plus could make things alot better, the story mode could have a far better script and AI, the graphics could improve aswell as the level designs. And the multiplayer should be glitch free and online (which I think is a given).

I\'ve been playing through the first one again lately. Controls are pretty awful at first, but I managed to get used to them again.

The original shone at times simply through its clear effort and high production values. It was all executed pretty well, but the rush to get it out for launch meant that they didn\'t have time to give it the polish and refinement it needed.

I really hope they give the sequel the effort it deserves, becuase I\'m worried that what Ubisoft may do is forget how much production and budget went into the first one, and treat RS2 like most other developers are treating Wii games - putting small teams on it and restricting its budget.

( Edited 23.01.2009 11:31 by D_prOdigy )

First one wasn't too bad, glitchy, but not too bad - control and lack of variety for enemies was the main issue, especially the imprecise pointing. Hopefully they've learnt from it; it's been over 2 years, so hopefully they'll come out with a decent sequel! Smilie

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

We arnt exactly going to get excited about a (deliberate) slip like that Mr Ubisoft.

When you tell us about the game. Show us its got motion plus support, 1:1 (REALTIME) controlls and a decent budget spent on it, then we might get excited. <-- Tells some truly terrible tales.
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Despite its flaws I had fun with the first one. i guess that was because it was one of the first games to use the Wiimote and so I thought it was refreshing, even if it was extremely retarded. I look foward to how they will improve on the first one.

Lmao i would've loved to see that guy's face when he said that lmao.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

This reminds me of when they slipped about Portal 2 coming out. Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Sigh, Red Steel was mediocre at best. The major dissapointment surrounding recent wii games makes me expect a cash in, especially if Ubisoft carries on there current track record of shovelware Smilie

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley
Guest 24.01.2009#23

Please Ubi, die in a hole (sorry for stealing that BBB), you haven't made a truly good game in ages...

Awww phrase theif is theiving! BAN!

(joke btw guys... guys?? *GETS BANNED*)

My pictures wont appear so heres a smiley

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