Crystal Guardians get Defended by Wiiware + Screens

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 22.01.2009 8

Crystal Guardians get Defended by Wiiware + Screens on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Previously only available on Mobile Phones in Japan, the spin off of Final Fantasy Tactics A2, titled Crystal Guardians was recently released on iPods and iPhones worldwide. Now it appears to be heading to Wiiware aswell, under the title of Crystal Defenders, great news for those up for some tactical action without a new iPod or iPhone.

Seen by some as somewhat of a sequel to Tactics A2, Crystal Defenders is a tower defense strategy game. It sees some of the characters from A2 defending crystals from hordes of monsters. Though there is no plot or character story behind the game, big fans of Final Fantasy Tactics are sure to get enjoyment out of it.

Three Guardians episodes have been released so far by phone, and the first chapter of Defenders, titled "D1" will be headed to Wiiware in Japan on January 27th for 1000 Nintendo Points; followed later on in the year by a PSN and Live Arcade release.

If you can't wait for some more Final Fantasy Tactical action, you can check out This scan of the Wiiware version, and discuss your thoughts on the release below.


Some new ingame screenshots have been added to the screens folder, showcasing the most crisp visuals yet for a Final Fantasy Tactics title. Check them out below.

Box art for Crystal Defenders R1

Square Enix


Square Enix





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Now give us Before Crisis: Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy IV-2 and I'll be very happy. Smilie

Seconded, I\'d buy both of those without a second thought (Especially FFIV-2, I crave that more and more all the time).

Not a big fan of Tactics (yet) though so I can\'t really say for this, but it\'s very possible S-E is using this to test the potential sales!

( Edited 21.01.2009 21:06 by SuperLink )

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I have this game on my ipod and I love it!

My Brawl Code Is.... 1590-4363-1480 P.M. Me Fri. Sat. Sun. .....For the toughest macth of your LIFE

Looks ok, but 1000 points sound a bit pricey for it.

.:Zelda Adventures:.
u guys are DNA.

Thats pretty cool, wasn't expecting a final fantasy for wiiware any time soon.

Nintendo Network ID: LKR000               PSN: LKR000     
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Falcon Armour X said:
Thats pretty cool, wasn't expecting a final fantasy for wiiware any time soon.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As King???

Glenjamin said:
Falcon Armour X said:
Thats pretty cool, wasn't expecting a final fantasy for wiiware any time soon.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life As King???

I'm thinking he ment so soon after that game.
Why he is suprised I don't know though since square names everything Final Fantasy these days.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

Nice concept, and decent-enough screens too. Bit pricey methinks..

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