nSpace's Winter Lacks a Publisher, Petition

By Jorge Ba-oh 21.01.2009 18


A game concept for Wii from nSpace has been revealed, an atmospheric survival-horror that lacks a publisher.

The developer of the spooky first person GameCube shooter Geist and more recently Call of Duty DS, has shown IGN their survival-horror project known as Winter.

It had been in development as a quick concept (approx 6 weeks) around two years ago to show to potential publishers. Winter deals with a poor lady, Mia, as she finds herself in a wrecked ambulance with no recollection of how she arrived. At first we need to keep her alive - shelter her from the freezing temperatures, but soon we discover she has a connection to the beasts that begin to appear...

An early concept video of the game in action.

Unfortunately due to the Wii's flood of crap the Florida-based studio has found it hard to find a third-party publisher willing to take a gamble on a traditional game for Wii.

A fan petition has already started to express interest and hopefully get a publisher on board. For more information and artwork, head on over to the IGN Interview.

IGN: Tell us what happened. Why didn't this game find a publisher? What was the general reaction?

Dan: We pitched Winter tirelessly for months. The response was universally positive. Every single PD department was very excited about it and confident about moving forward. The look, the story, the overall tone and genre, the gameplay mechanics -- it all came together to create something very compelling for the Wii, something that got gamers excited.

With each presentation would come a wave of enthusiastic follow-ups from the publisher. There was so much clamor for the title it was, frankly, kind of overwhelming. We left GDC that year feeling very confident about placing the title quickly and on our terms.

Unfortunately, that wasn't to be. In almost every case we got hung up with the sales and marketing groups. They simply could not get behind a survival horror title on the Wii. In spite of great sales for Resident Evil 4 and the Umbrella Chronicles, these groups were unable to support the projections required to create a viable P&L for the title. The idea of an "adult" game on what they perceived to be a "kids" console was simply too big a leap for them, regardless of the enthusiastic support of the PD department and the Wii's total domination in the marketplace.


IGN: Finally, the obvious question: do you still want to release Winter for Wii? Would you do it if publishers showed an interest?

Dan: Of course. We're very pleased with what we were able to do in such a short time and would welcome the right opportunity to pick up where we left off. Meanwhile, we've kept very busy with a lot of great titles, many of which the Winter playable helped us land.

What do you think of the project? Can it work on Wii, and would you be interested in seeing it taken forward from this early demo/concept?

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Finally, a survival horror game that looks as though it could genuinely have some scare-factor on the Wii!

I love it and would certainly buy it if the feel of the game wasn't altered too much during development.

I haven't been this excited about a game for a while, the tone of the game seems to be one that would keep me enthralled. The point at which the wolf jumped through the door was brilliantly paced, and the weird thing at the end, well, was weird. Wonderfully so.

Looks good for an early concept, has a lot of potential into bringing a neat new franchise to the Wii/Nintendo. Hopefully someone (looks at Nintendo, Sega) will step in and fund it!

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

i didnt expect it to to wow me ! i thought it might be an other "cursed mountain" which looks horrible IMO

"Sony always wins baby.. Sony always wins.." - Chad Warden on pstripple
Brawl FC : 2191 - 6919 - 2772

I may not buy it personally, but I'll sure as hell support a release.

I'll sign the petition a bit later, it already seems to have gotten loads of attention, which is great.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Lol i watched that movie clip last night it scared the shit out of me when the thing came on the third/last time i hit my hand on a corner.

When all is bad don't look for a easy way out. Because you wont know what to do once your out

Hold on a sec, let me change my pants...... Smilie

All right, back. That game looks incredible! Anything that's not total crap (total crap being pretty much every game on Wii, almost) I support. I would love to see this game. I want it now! Smilie

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Is nobody else a bit overloaded with survival horror.

Also, Sega were banging on about \'hardcore\' title opportunities on the Wii. Surely this fits the bill.

( Edited 21.01.2009 14:02 by dartmonkey )

Less posty, more gamey.

dartmonkey said:
Is nobody else a bit overloaded with survival horror.

Also, Sega were banging on about 'hardcore' title opportunities on the Wii. Surely this fits the bill.

Not really, seeing I don't play every survival horror game that's released ;-Smilie

I like the look of it, though the 'creature' at the end reminded me a bit too much of the creatures in The Suffering,, The whole iron-leg thingy. But it does seem to have a lot of potential^^.
I signed the petition, but I was only number 897. For this to actually have an impact I think we'll need a bit moreSmilie

~Getting on C3's massive tits since 2K5.~

Yeah this seems right up SEGA's alley, wouldn't be at all surprised if they picked it up, here's hoping.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery
Our member of the week

i was thinking exactly the same as superlink.

just signed the petition.

Cubed3 Limited Staff :: Review and Feature Writer

It looks great in a "whole package" kind of way. I wonder if this kind of experience (small developers in need of publishers) could birth a kind of independent like release form of distribution.

Mmmmm yay, so immersive opening all those drawers. As far as I can tell, the only reason anyone cares about this is because it isn't casual. That's kinda sad don't ya think? The gameplay hardly looks revolutionary.

knighty said:
Mmmmm yay, so immersive opening all those drawers. As far as I can tell, the only reason anyone cares about this is because it isn't casual. That's kinda sad don't ya think? The gameplay hardly looks revolutionary.

People need to realise that the Wii has a hardcore market. If a game like this sells then more publishers will want to put out hardcore games for the Wii.

It's worth a try, it's already gained a lot of fans.

Twitter | C3 Writer/Moderator | Backloggery

Not every game needs to be "revolutionary" it just needs to be a good solid game.

^^Click for a wallpaper version^^

They should just move it over to PC, PS3, and 360. They'd get a publisher in no time.

I've signed it, just to help it along, The wii needs more good solid games, and I have a feeling the this could be one.

Ya, the controls and gameplay doesn't seem to be too Wii-specific, but would certainly help push more core/traditional titles to the system.

Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer
Dune (guest) 23.07.2010#18

This game really has a lot of potential to be a great new survival horror like Silent Hill and what used to be Resident Evil(until the fourth one)I like that the freezing temperatures are just as much an enemy as any monster in the game. You have to constantly find places to keep you warm. Like killing an enemy and crawling in its entrails.
Another detail is that anything can be a weapon. From breaking a broom stick to sharpen and stab enemies, to finding a random blunt object and beating enemies to death with it. If it does get released I hope it won't be a disappointed like Silent Hill: Shattered Memories was, a survival horror with no weapons.

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