Telegraph UK Positive on MadWorld

By Joshua Callum Jeffery 20.01.2009 7

Telegraph UK Positive on MadWorld on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

We all know how mainstream journalism can be with video gaming, there are common misconceptions. One of the most controversial is the idea of violent games on the family Wii.

So when UK Newspaper: The Telegraph, previews Platinum's upcoming bloody comic violence game, MadWorld, the impression turns out... pretty good!

The Telegraph was allowed a grand total of five minutes of hands-on time with MadWorld. In that short interval, however, I can report it boasts a smooth, intuitive control system, a slick soundtrack filled with crunching sound-effects, ghoulishly enthusiastic commentators and thundering hip hop music, and more violence than you can shake a Wii-mote at. In my short playing time I dispatched numerous opponents in various grisly fashions; I stabbed several through the face with street signs, electrocuted one on an open electrical socket and sliced up several groups with a chainsaw.

"There's a lot of variety in the ways you can kill someone off," says Nishikawa. "As you go through the different stages the variety of weapons and variety of kills will expand."

MadWorld's stark graphics go a long way towards tempering the violence. The environments and characters are rendered in a crisp black and white, with the occasional splash of arterial red which gushes from opponents. MadWorld's graphics immediately bring to mind the film and comic book Sin City, but the game's director Shigenori Nishikawa says Frank Miller's work wasn't a direct inspiration.

Positive impressions from mainstream press for the highly anticipated Wii title can only be good news. Be sure to check out The full preview at Telegraph Online, and don't forget to share your thoughts on it below.

Box art for MadWorld








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I read the whole artcle a couple of days ago, i'm glad a newspaper is taking a positive view of this for once. The Sun's preview wasn't bad either.

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"in other words, MadWorld is probably the most hardcore casual title ever created"

Thats a pretty nice round up. I cant wait for this game, Ill also be legally allowed to buy it as well!Smilie

Echoes221 said:
"in other words, MadWorld is probably the most hardcore casual title ever created"

Thats a pretty nice round up. I cant wait for this game, Ill also be legally allowed to buy it as well!Smilie

But will your mum let you?

Matthew Evans [ Writer :: Moderator :: King of Impartiality :: Lord of the 15min Thread ] As the wind blows the sand to cover the camel's tracks so does time move to cover the Lord's.
Rejoice for the Lord will taketh his quarter and give much back to his followers.

MGE said:
Echoes221 said:
"in other words, MadWorld is probably the most hardcore casual title ever created"

Thats a pretty nice round up. I cant wait for this game, Ill also be legally allowed to buy it as well!Smilie

But will your mum let you?

LOL. yh As soon as i finish my exams i SHOULD have my stuff back, hopefully!

When I saw Telegraph UK, preview and Madworld all in the same new update heading I sighed. Luckly I thought wrong.

Kudo\'s to the Telegraphs preview.

EDIT: Is anyone else getting ramdom charity websites popping up when they click randomly on the C3 site. I know it sounds wierd but it\'s happening to me!

( Edited 21.01.2009 00:05 by Birdo Is A Tranny )

No, not really. Smilie

As for the article, pretty neat stuff. It's nice to see people looking at the game as a game instead of this violent killing machine some take it to be.

The former top user was Keven! You'd probably give birth to yourself 1000 times over until you sprout wings to fly away into the fading sun, that or you'd just turn into a lesbian. Who knows @_@ - L, 12/06/09

Looks like you got sypware my friend

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