Monster Hunter G, New Screens, Scans

By Jorge Ba-oh 17.01.2009 9

Monster Hunter G, New Screens, Scans on Nintendo gaming news, videos and discussion

Capcom have made up even more screens of the Monster Hunter G Wii as players set out on an adventure once more.

The game may be a port of an existing entry in the Monster Hunter line, but it still has its looks despite being fairly old.

  • Scans: 1|2|3|4
  • Image for Monster Hunter G, New Screens, Scans

    Image for Monster Hunter G, New Screens, Scans

    Image for Monster Hunter G, New Screens, Scans

    Image for Monster Hunter G, New Screens, Scans

    Image for Monster Hunter G, New Screens, Scans
    Box art for Monster Hunter G








    C3 Score

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    Rated $score out of 10  10/10 (1 Votes)

    European release date None   North America release date None   Japan release date Out now   Australian release date None   

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    Looks good, shame we won't be seeing this as Capcom USA has stated... Shame. Smilie

    It\'s good to see more of this aspect of the game. It looks interesting yet we have seen little of it so far.


    Awesome!, they have got rid of that ugly rat friend from the PSP game, and have replaced him with a cute piggy Smilie

    Jorge, I think the game is called Monster Hunter Tri, not G. G is the name of the PSP games.

    ( Edited 17.01.2009 20:26 by Linkyshinks )

    No, this is Monster Hunter G. This is the Wii port of the PS2 game, which is out in Japan very soon. Monster Hunter tri~ is Monster Hunter 3, a ground-up Wii game, which is not yet finished.

    Andrezao said:
    Looks good, shame we won't be seeing this as Capcom USA has stated... Shame. Smilie
    But Monster Hunter 3 looks so much better!

    Avoid Games Like the Plague, productivity++

    Linkyshinks said:
    It's good to see more of this aspect of the game. It looks interesting yet we have seen little of it so far.


    Awesome!, they have got rid of that ugly rat friend from the PSP game, and have replaced him with a cute piggy Smilie

    Jorge, I think the game is called Monster Hunter Tri, not G. G is the name of the PSP games.

    G is what we're (well, Japanese gamers) are getting as a port, alongside the exclusive Tri/3. I mentioned that in the article....

    The game may be a port of an existing entry in the Monster Hunter line, but it still has its looks despite being fairly old.[/quote-

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

    Why are they porting it and making a ground up one at the same time?

    Simon_ said:
    Andrezao said:
    Looks good, shame we won't be seeing this as Capcom USA has stated... Shame. Smilie
    But Monster Hunter 3 looks so much better!

    Agreed, but it's like they say: "the more the merrier". Also, I've never played Monster Hunter games, I would really like to get into the story, like you know, decipher things for myself, etc.

    iCAME said:
    Why are they porting it and making a ground up one at the same time?

    It's just really good marketing strategy, you know, Hype. They're releasing this to give something gamers should expect along with a demo disc of Monster Hunter Tri. I wish we got this here too... Smilie

    Who knows they change their mind!

    Its a lot more resources used as well..

    iCAME said:
    Why are they porting it and making a ground up one at the same time?

    Moneys, marketing, research lol

    Cubed3 Admin/Founder & Designer

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